Friday, January 2, 2009

If This Isn't Child Abuse, What Is? Hamas Planning Bloody "Last Stand" in Gaza

The psychos in Hamas plan a bloody last stand at Gaza City, according to reports from Israel today. Reportedly they are busy now infiltrating neighborhoods in Gaza City. The main Hamas fighting force, comprised of a reported 15,000 terrorists and acolytes, plans to split up when the expected ground invasion begins.

Hundreds of these fruitcakes would be happy to see their kids die... just so some media liberal could use it to make Israel look bad. So they won't have a front, just pictures of stacks of bodybags of their own people. In typical Islamofascist style, they want as many "innocents" hurt as possible. It serves their purposes. First it makes Israel look bad. Secondly it helps to radicalize the injured person and their families and friends.

The Hamas plan as reported is to break into smaller groups meant to harass the IDF and raise the civilian casualty totals as high as possible. Not surprising since most of their body count is used by the media as fodder for their anti-Israel bias.

How often has the media, even our media, called these terrorists what they are? They are called militants, freedom fighters, insurgents, anything to keep from calling them what they are - evil, murderous psychopaths.

The reports are that when the IDF enters Gaza City, they'll be met by 3-5,000 Hamas-cidal maniacs, many of them under 18, who've been very busy replacing civilians so that the military will have maximum difficulty telling combatants from families and other noncombatants- all victims of Islamofascist cowardice.

So every time you see a report on how many Palestinians died today at the hands of the IDF, ask yourself whose purposes that serves. Apparently the IDF knows about this crazy plan and so I guess we'll get to see what their counter punch is. The Evil Conservative hopes it's a haymaker.

Reference Debka Files

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