John McCain has no political integrity. He doesn't hold himself responsible for his meandering, message-less campaign and his miserable defeat at the hands of the most un-electable candidate in history, but he's ready to hold his own party responsible for working with Democrats on Capitol Hill.
Instead of riding into the sunset, content with the damage he has done to his own party and allowing himself to be, at least superficially, respected by the people whose party and ideals he let down, he has apparently chosen to devote himself to furthering Obama's agenda.
"I remind all my colleagues: We had an election," McCain noted. "I think the message the American people are sending us now is they want us to work together, and get to work."
I guess we're supposed to forget the fact that, thanks to McCain, Conservatism wasn't on the menu in 2009. Thanks to McCain, our presidential themes weren't a contrast between liberalism and conservatism, but rather a contrast between Obama's positive press-fueled Marxism and McCain's incoherent babble. This doddering old fool wants us and our views to pay the price for HIS failure to deliver our message.
An example? Taking a hard anti-earmark stance on the campaign trail, while simultaneously rushing to Washington to shove the bailout package down our throats. The same bailout package that still can't account for $350 Billion.
Here's some more great stuff from good old Mac reported in the Washington Post:
(McCain)caught wind of an effort by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) to delay Clinton's confirmation vote by a day, pushing it from Tuesday to Wednesday because he was seeking greater disclosure about foreign donors to former president Bill Clinton's charitable foundation. McCain found the objection gratuitous...
Real team player that McCain. If that wasn't enough, he also supports Obama's plan to import terrorists:
Yesterday, McCain applauded Obama's executive order to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year, but he said that Obama had failed to address key issues, including the fate of the detainees being held there.
I held my nose and voted for Senator McCain in November. Now I'm glad he lost. I'll never hold my nose to vote for another candidate. No more RINOs. No more accepting the lesser of two evils. GOP you are warned. I will no longer support non-conservative candidates for office. If I have to, I'll write myself in.
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