Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Delusional Foreign Policy: Clinton Updates Press on Israel, Iraq, Iran

A run-down on some of the things Hillary has said to the press about various diplomatic efforts worldwide within a week of her confirmation as Secretary of State.

1. She acknowledged US policy that Israel has the right to defend themselves from Hamas rocket attacks. Sad that we really need an incoming American administration to reiterate this, as it should be self-evident. But we do.

"We support Israel's right to self-defense. The [Palestinian] rocket barrages which are getting closer and closer to populated areas [in Israel] cannot go unanswered," Clinton said in her first news conference at the State Department.
"It is regrettable that the Hamas leadership apparently believes that it is in their interest to provoke the right of self-defense instead of building a better future for the people of Gaza," she added.

2. She's contacted leaders in Iraq to assure them of the "continuity" of US policy towards Iraq. So the whole campaign about an Iraq withdrawal, and the whole anti-war candidate thing.... Obama did that just to get votes from deranged lefties who would've voted for my dog if I covered him in anti-war stickers? Why, that would be a calculating and cynical ploy to deceive voters....Say it ain't so!

Clinton said she spoke by telephone today with top Iraqi officials to make clear that there will be continuity in U.S. policy.

She said her call was intended to reinforce our commitment to a democratic and sovereign Iraq and the importance of their provincial elections. Iraqis are scheduled to vote on Saturday in a set of elections that U.S. and Iraqi officials hope will further solidify progress toward national political reconciliation.

Daily Koz.... are you listening???

3. (and this is my favorite) Clinton kept talking about the "opportunity" this is for Iran, to open negotiations with us. She completely ignored the fact that Iran has been telling us to go screw ourselves with our "talks." Obviously the media isn't going to rub anyone's face in the mess they've already made of the Iran situation. But there she is, talking like we're just waiting to hear back from our mullah buddies in Iran to get started on this new era of peace.

How long can Obama and his crew get away with this stuff?

From Ha'aretz:

"There is a clear opportunity for the Iranians, as the president expressed in his interview, to demonstrate some willingness to engage meaningfully with the international community," she said. "Whether or not that hand becomes less clenched is really up to them."

She said the administration is undertaking a wide-ranging and comprehensive survey of U.S. policy options toward Iran.

"There is just a lot that we are considering that I'm not prepared to discuss," she added.

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