Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama Superstar 3: Bklyn Team "Obamafies"

What better way to bring people together and celebrate America than turning our new President into a bobblehead? The Brooklyn Cyclones minor-league baseball team has announced June 23 they're renaming the team the "Baracklyn Cyclones" and hoping for the best when they try to bring together baseball and politics for a night.

Ahhh, nothing says landslide like winning against a demoralized party sporting the least-appealing "conservative" candidate in a generation.

Historically, sports franchises have generally stayed away from politics. Actually, pretty much anyone with something to sell stays away from politics.

Most politicians haven't really seemed to keen on the idea either, perhaps feeling that being turned into a bobblehead -- and handed out to drunk fan(atic)s who may very well grow agitated and disappointed at the outcome of the game -- can be a dicey gambit.

Here's some of the fun:


Can a minor league team change the name of baseball's most legendary borough? YES WE CAN!

For one night this summer, the Brooklyn Cyclones will be transformed into the Baracklyn Cyclones, honoring the 44th President of the United States with a night of patriotic partying at the ballpark.

The June 23rd festivities will feature:
Alternate red, white, and blue jerseys adorned with the team’s new name
FREE Barack Obama bobbleheads to the first 2,500 fans in attendance, featuring the President in a Baracklyn Cyclones Jersey
The Economic Stimulus Package: From 10am on January 20th – Inauguration Day – to midnight on January 23rd, ticket prices for the June 23rd game will be “rolled back” to the Cyclones’ inaugural 2001 season rates: $10 Field Box Seats, $8 Box Seats, $5 Bleacher Seats. Beginning January 24th, tickets will be priced at the regular 2009 rates ($15, $12, $8)
Universal Health Care: Free Band-Aids to the first 1,000 fans
Naming Rights: Anyone named Barack gets in for free (Bring your ID on the night of the game)
Joe the Plumber special: any plumber named Joe gets two free tickets – one for himself, and one to “spread the wealth” with a friend (Bring your ID and a business card or proof of employment on the night of the game)
Bi-Partisan Consolation Prize: anyone named McCain or Palin will get a free Bleacher Seat (Bring your ID on the night of the game)
A clear-cut Exit Strategy: fans will receive American Flags and discount coupons as they leave the ballpark
The landmark game will take place on Tuesday, June 23rd – the “Inaugural Tuesday” of the 2009 NYPL season - when the Cyclones host the Hudson Valley Renegades at 7pm at KeySpan Park.

Warning: Amateurish Video from Minor League Team --- Includes Slam Against McCain

June 23 is a long way from now. I wonder if the Cyclones are going to be so happy about a stadium full of rowdy drunk fans with bobblehead projectiles once the training wheels are off the Obama presidency?

*** Don't Miss Evil Conservative Radio Tonight - We'll talk about this and more. Special guest Dr. Orly Taitz!! Is Obama Constitutionally qualified to be Pres? Join us on WVOX-AM streaming live or at 1460-AM in NYC. Call in at 914-636-0110 7-8PM EDT***

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