Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pravda (???) Says Earth Entering Ice Age

In the wake of the pronouncement that 2008 was the "year that global warming was disproved," Pravda has presented a bold new alternative to the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory shoved down our throats by the likes of Al Gore.

I'm not sure of the distance these days between Pravda and the Russian Government, but I suspect it isn't a lot. That being the case, I feel confident predicting that the Russian Government and Vladimir Putin are readying a Global Cooling theory that flies in the face of what the UN and our popular culture says.

While the article doesn't quote any actual scientists, at least the idea comports with the data showing the world cooling over the last decade or so. And I saw the movie Expelled, so who trusts government funded scientists nowadays anyway?

At any rate, I'm sure that the Russians can use their BS theory of global cooling as effectively as our government has used our BS theory of global warming to intervene in and regulate our daily lives.

Pravda Global Cooling Article Here

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