Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Pocket Obama" Hits the Shelves

You've heard of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book? How about President Obama's Little Blue Book? The History Company brings you all the wisdom you can fit in your pocket with this new digest of inspirational sayings and post-political insight from our very own Dear Leader.

And don't worry about losing your copy because this dandy only sells in packs of 10, all the better to spread the word!

From the publisher's website:

Printed in a size that easily fits into pocket or purse, this book is an anthology of quotations borrowed from Barack Obama's speeches and writings. POCKET OBAMA serves as a reminder of the amazing power of oratory and the remarkable ability of this man to move people with his words. His superb and captivating oratory style has earned comparisons to John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and this historic collection presents words that catapulted his remarkable rise to the American Presidency. It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to own, to read, and to carry this book at all times.

The little blue book includes themes of democracy, politics, war, terrorism, race, community, jurisprudence, faith, personal responsibility, national identity, and above all, his hoped-for vision of a new America. POCKET OBAMA is a portable, everyday primer for readers who want to examine the substance of his thought and reflect on the next great chapter in the American story.

SAVE $10.00 on the purchase of this exclusive 10-copy pack.

If you're doing volume reading, you're in luck... one of the sublinks on the Amazon site is for the Chairman's book. They say it ships in one day... I've got my fingers crossed.

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