Sunday, January 4, 2009

Even Liberals Waking Up to Enviromental Hysteria?

How long does it take for one liberal to notice the difference between fiction and reality? Apparently 10 years or so. The Evil Conservative is pleased to see that maybe not all liberals are so emotionally invested in envirofascism as to deny reality. Well, at least one isn't.

Libs waking up to the hyperbolic and unfounded assertions of the enviro-fascists? In an article carried in, of all places, the Huffington Post, Harold Ambler may be the first liberal to notice a decade of cooling temperatures on Planet Earth.

Some of Ambler's points are:

1. First, the expression "climate change" itself is a redundancy, and contains a lie. Climate has always changed, and always will.

Are liberals finally ready to admit this? It's a great starting point...

2. Mr. Gore has gone so far to discourage debate on climate as to refer to those who question his simplistic view of the atmosphere as "flat-Earthers." This, too, is right on target, except for one tiny detail. It is exactly the opposite of the truth.

Maybe he saw The Great Global Warming Swindle ?

3. What the alarmists now state is that past episodes of warming were not caused by C02 but amplified by it, which is debatable, for many reasons, but, more important, is a far cry from the version of events sold to the public by Mr. Gore.

Yeah, yeah!

4. This mechanism has never been shown to exist. Indeed, increased temperature leads to increased evaporation of the oceans, which leads to increased cloud cover (one cooling effect) and increased precipitation (a bigger cooling effect). Within certain bounds, in other words, the ocean-atmosphere system has a very effective self-regulating tendency. By the way, water vapor is far more prevalent, and relevant, in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide -- a trace gas. Water vapor's absorption spectrum also overlays that of carbon dioxide. They cannot both absorb the same energy! The relative might of water vapor and relative weakness of carbon dioxide is exemplified by the extraordinary cooling experienced each night in desert regions, where water in the atmosphere is nearly non-existent.

Honestly, I think he saw the movie.

What a great way to start the new year. You can read his whole article here.

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