Sunday, January 11, 2009

Israeli Commanders: Hamas Terrorists Scared, Hiding Among Civilians; Ceasefire Monday?

Hamas' Gaza leadership has scurried off to Damascus, to ask the permission of their Iranian-controlled Damascus arm to negotiate for a cease-fire. Debka Files is reporting that the Israeli High Command has been "pouring" reservists into Gaza to press for just such an outcome.

The Gaza Hamas delegation of terrorists is expected to return from Damascus on Monday with an answer. Meanwhile, Israeli commanders are frustrated at their government's delay in striking for a victory.

At one point last week, the infantry and tanks looked like grasping the thorns and entering Philadelphi through Rafah and Gaza City through Jebalya. Tens of thousands of leaflets warned Palestinian householders to leave their homes and escape harm.

But then, instead of going after two major wins, the troops stopped at the boundaries of the target-arenas.

Hamas' militants, for their part, are using the typical chickens&*t tactics of terrorists and hiding behind women and children:

Some officers familiar with the scene report that, apart from occasional snipers, Hamas fighters stay clear of the battlefield, fighting a "war of shadows." Combat engagements in the Gaza conflict are infrequent. Indeed, the Palestinian terrorists of the Nablus Casbah and Jenin on the West Bank were fiercer and more warlike than their Hamas contemporaries. Media accounts of armed confrontations are much exaggerated. In 16 days, not a single Israeli tank was damaged.

That's right. All the marching and threatening and the cries of jihad apparently dissipate when an Israeli tank rolls around the corner. You'd think at least one brave jihadi might be able to damage a tank, if no other way than by being run over by one. Alas, the Israeli tanks have been unwilling to mow down the women and children that the brave jihadis are hiding behind.

Anyway, we may have some news tomorrow when the Hamas terrorist delegation returns with their new orders from Iran via Damascus. The word is that Gaza Hamas is none too happy with Damascus Hamas' hard-line stance, and quite possibly irritated that Damascus was so eager to see Gaza fight to the death. If Damascus gave their OK to a capitulation, Gaza Hamas may be able to delay their matyrdom indefinitely.

The next 24 hours should be interesting.

Debka Article Here


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