Saturday, January 24, 2009

Problem Solved: Murtha Agrees to Take Gitmo Detainees

And to think some of us were concerned about the security threat these guys pose. Not to worry, because Jack Murtha (Nut-PA) has offered his district as a potential destination for the Guantanamo Bay terrorists.

I know Pennsylvania is in an economic mess, but this seems a little over the top. Maybe he's thinking of all the tourism bucks that the Al Queda - North America HQ could bring in? Maybe Murtha's muddled mind imagines a wave of investment as halal food shops and sharia-compliant businesses flood the area?

This is the same Murtha who called his own constituents dumb rednecks before the last election. Maybe he has a point. They re-elected him.

Murtha only has a minimum security prison in his district. But he says he'd have no reservations about holding (Gitmo) detainees there in a maximum security prison.

"Sure, I'd take 'em," said Murtha, an outspoken critic of the Iraq war. "They're no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo."

Murtha added that there was "no reason not to put 'em in prisons in the United States and handle them the way they would handle any other prisoners."

I wish him success at moving the Gitmo detainees to his district. Would serve them right for electing this jackass.

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