Saturday, January 10, 2009

Obama Superstar 2: Topps Releases Obama Trading Cards

Remember when you were a kid and you used to wait for the new Topps cards to come out every year? Remember begging Mom to buy you a pack of the cards with the stick of gum inside? Every year they had football player cards, and baseball cards, and basketball cards, and the politician cards. Oh wait, scratch that last one. Come to think of it, I don't recall any Carter or Reagan cards when I was a boy.

Now Topps is jumping on the Obama Superstar bandwagon and releasing fanboi photocards of the Obama pre-presidency. Obama's rookie season cards include inspiring sayings and his life story. One assume they don't include the part about having an Indonesian passport. Early reports that Obama's minor league batting average statistics would be supplied by Larry Sinclair have proven to be unfounded.

Is it even possible that all these people naming streets and schools and towns after Obama might be jumping the gun just a little bit? I mean is it even conceivable to them that he might just be a lousy president?

I still remember being the cool guy in my class when I had both the before-the-name-change and after-the-name-change cards of the former player now known as World B. Free. Presumably, if Biden's in the deck, kids can play the same before and after games with his botox treatments.

In the meantime I'll check and see if Topps is getting any bailout cash. That would at least make things make more sense.

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