Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dubai in Deep Doo-Doo; Raw Sewage Everywhere

“The stench was unbearable and the water was a muddy brown. There was toilet paper in the sand,”

The most prestigious stretch of beachfront in that new and sparkling playground for the rich and famous, Dubai, is so filthy that people are advised to stay off it entirely.

A "noxious tide of toilet paper, raw sewage and chemical waste has transformed Dubai’s most prestigious stretch of shoreline into a foul-smelling health hazard," the Times Online-UK reported, ironically in their travel section. Apparently 1.3 million people can't all squat behind a camel and still keep things sanitary. “It’s a cesspool. Our tests show too many E. coli to count. It’s like swimming in a toilet,” said Keith Mutch, the manager of the Offshore Sailing Club, which has posted warnings and been forced to cancel regattas.

Remembering to keep things in their proper order, however, a fix is on hold while they argue about who's to blame for the frighteningly unsanitary conditions... we'll keep an eye from a distance.

The debate over who is to blame is also turning toxic, pitting the city’s wealthy expatriates against local authorities, who have been criticised for failing to stop lorry drivers dumping human and industrial waste into the ocean.The pollution is a blow to Dubai’s reputation as an international holiday destination offering almost guaranteed sunshine and clear seas.

No kidding.

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