Friday, January 23, 2009

YouTube Banning Conservative Videos

YouTube is being accused of yanking some videos for political reasons. Say it ain't so!

Unfortunately, it looks to be true, and to illustrate the point, the Birmingham Examiner, as part of a six-part series on the matter, is showing two videos side-by-side.

The opposing videos, one yanked and one not, each deal with gay marriage, but from different viewpoints. In what way is the yanked video more offensive than the video still posted? Hmmm.

Would it be conceivable that even sites with user-generated content may edit that content to comport with their political worldview? That they are discriminating against those who are tarrying and resisting he call to HAIL OBAMA?

Just one more brick in the wall of media and corporate protection surrounding His Highness Obama I. With Silicon Valley, Wall Street titans, three networks, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc etc etc all behind him it's amazing he didn't win by more against the pathetic campaign and indiscernable positions of the liberal-but-not-as-liberal John McCain.

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