Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama Shows Off His Foreign-ness at State Department

Am I the only one who finds it creepy when someone shouts out something in some Indonesian dialect and our President answers offhand? Like a native, some would say.

I guess there's nothing that can beef up your foreign policy credentials like actually being a foreigner.

I stumbled across this clip of our new President showing off his "foreign policy credentials" at the State Department. The assembled media titters and chuckles with delight at our new international-style President. I thought you all might enjoy it.

I guess there may be an upside to a president who really knows what it's like to live abroad.. and maybe even has some insight into the rest of the world hating us so much. What worries me is that, judging from his policies, he seems to agree with them. Furthermore it raises an intriguing question. He may know what it's like to be a part of the rest of the world, but does Barack Hussein Obama have any idea what it's like to be an American?

After making his formal address to the department, Obama exchanged a few words in Indonesian with former Jakarta US Embassy counselor for public affairs Charles Silver.

Silver greeted the President, saying "Selamat Siang, Bapak *Good afternoon, sir*," to which Obama replied, "Terima kasih, apa kabar? *Thank you, how are you?* Silver answered "Baik, baik *Fine*".

The American President complimented Silver on his Indonesian accent, adding that he wished to visit his old neighborhood in Menteng, Jakarta.

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