Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rare Video Shows Hamas Killing Palestinians

In light of Israel's decision to unilaterally cease fire in Gaza, and amidst the Iranian-fueled threats by Hamas to keep fighting, it's important to remember who Hamas is. This shocking video came to my attention and makes me wonder who suffers more from Hamas; Israelis or Palestinians?

A couple in love dares to play music at a wedding in Hamas-controlled Gaza. Minutes later they are gunned down by Hamas. Radical Islam doesn't permit music, you see. Our media and the lefties love to characterize Hamas a freedom fighters, but this video, shot and narrated by an Arab dissenter, tells a very different story.

1. Click pause on the player at the upper right of the screen.
2. Click play on the video below.
Warning: Graphic Radical Islamist Violence

***Don't miss Evil Conservative Radio Wednesday Night at 7PM with guests Dr. Sami Alrabaa, author of Karin in Saudi Arabia and Ali Sina of Faith Freedom International. What they have to say will shock you***

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