Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Iran Precondition: "Please Take My Call" as Islamic State Shoots Down Offer for Talks

True to his promise of engaging Iran in talks, President Obama's UN Ambassador said today that the US will engage in "vigorous" talks with the Islamic state. Of course Obama set a precondition, namely that Iran return his call.

The BBC reports that Susan Rice, UN Ambassador to the UN, said we can expect "direct diplomacy" with the nation swearing to use nukes to destroy Israel. Iran responded that any talks are "unacceptable." Maybe a scheduling conflict?

Maybe Obama has to learn the hard way the reasons why one has to have preconditions to talk with someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - to make them show good faith so they don;t pull a stunt just like this. One thing's for sure. The "new approach" won't work if no one answers the phone.

The new US envoy to the United Nations says Barack Obama's administration will make Iran's nuclear plans a diplomatic priority and pursue direct talks.
Susan Rice told reporters she looked forward to "vigorous diplomacy that includes direct diplomacy with Iran".
Under George W Bush, there were no direct US nuclear talks with Iran.
The UN has urged Tehran to halt uranium enrichment, amid fears it could be used for military purposes. Iran says its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.
In the run-up to his inauguration last week, Mr Obama promised a "new approach" in the dispute.
Last month he called for "tough but direct diplomacy", offering Iran economic incentives to end its nuclear programme or face tougher sanctions.
Iran dismissed the move as "unacceptable".
Ms Rice was speaking after presenting her credentials to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Gosh, I really hope these guys can work it out.

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