Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Don't Miss Evil Conservative Radio on BTR Tonight at 11PMEDT

We're looking forward to another awesome episode of Evil Conservative Radio tonight at 11PM EDT on BlogTalkRadio. Just click the link to listen live.

Tonight I'm going to talk about Joe the Plumber's venture into media and the media's snotty reaction to it. Apparently there's a huge contingent of the MSM that feels like he has no qualifications to do the job. The same people who don't say a word about whether Al Franken is qualified to be a US Senator seem to feel it takes an Ivy League degree to holds a microphone and report the news with a slant. Or maybe they just don't like Joe's slant?... Can we spend our way to prosperity?.... Islam in your backyard... Introducing ECR's newest contributor.... and MORE!

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