Thursday, January 15, 2009

Innis, CORE Take Aim at Redford's Callous Environmentalism

It's really awesome when one of the liberal elites gets a taste of their own medicine. I wonder how Robert Redford felt the other day in Utah when he was faced with a mob of African-Americans protesting him.

Imagine that. Finally someone calls Redford, a longtime "activist" in Hollywood weirdness initiatives, on his persistent pimping of the poor and environmental issues to advance his own leftist agenda. Redford has been supportive of a lawsuit that aims to prevent Utah residents from accessing their state's own resources to provide cheap and potentially lifesaving energy to the region.

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

The protesters, led by the Congress of Racial Equality's national spokesman Niger Innis, suggested Redford should "relinquish his wealth" and live like a poor person. They complained that the filmmaker's anti-drilling stance could lead to higher energy prices for inner-city residents, forcing them to accept a lower standard of living.
The clergymen prayed for Redford "to see the light" and linked his environmental activism with racism.
"The high energy prices we're going to see this winter are essentially discriminatory," said Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. of the Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., chairman of the High-Impact Leadership Coalition, a petroleum industry advocate.

For their part, Redford and the leftist anti-energy independence crowd were unrepentant and consistent in their delusional belief that high energy prices are caused by "big industry and price manipulation, not conservationists," and unrelated to supply.

Slat Lake Tribune article here

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