Thursday, January 29, 2009

Did George Soros' $$ Buy Obama's "Blackness"?

At the NAACP's 100th annual meeting in 2008, a big topic of discussion was Barack Obama and his campaign for President. Specifically, whether or not the black community should support him in his bid as one of their own. The question was whether or not someone with mixed heritage, who had been raised overseas, had enough of the American experience to be able to adequately represent their community. To their credit, it seems like this caucus of African-American leaders did more vetting of the candidate than either the media or Democrat Party.

What ensued was a debate that was only settled after some time and much disagreement. How it was settled may surprise you. ECR talked Wednesday night with one of the people at that meeting on WVOX - 1460 AM in NYC - on our weekly Wednesday night show (7PM EDT). Pastor James David Manning of Atlah Ministries in Harlem gives ECR an inside look at what happened.

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