Friday, January 2, 2009

Islam Throughout the Galaxy: Hate-Cleric Plans to Convert Aliens!

From the Insane-Muslims-Say-The-Darnedest-things File:

Notorious radical Islamic cleric and father-of-the-year candidate Omar Bakri ranted today about the need to be ready to convert aliens to Islam, should they appear in our midst.

The 50 year old Al-Muhajiroun leader declared, “We are obliged as Muslims to make the whole galaxy subservient to almighty Allah. Allah has created all living beings in order to obey him and worship him.”

Presumably all pumped up on the universality of the religion of peace, the Sheikh, best known for promising "a 9-11 every day" for America, and now famous as the father of Europe's most famous stripper, made sure his followers were ready to start proselytizing the moment they see any little green men.

One has to wonder about the sanity of a man who thinks anyone would travel billions of miles in search of Islamic solutions

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