Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Evil Conservative Radio Goes Live on WVOX

Evil Conservative Radio went live tonight on WVOX 1460 AM in New Rochelle, NY. For those who aren't NYers, it's about 20 minutes north of New York City and about 5 miles from Casa de Clinton in Chappaqua.

Helping me kick off ECR's terrestrial radio premiere was Kristinn Taylor from Free Republic and Chris Logan, my BlogTalkRadio partner and ECR's resident in-house expert on radical Islam.

I'm not going to say the show was perfect. I'm having to learn fast - there's a strong incentive for me and I've bought the airtime based on a sense of confidence that I'll be able to find sponsorship and continue, and even expand, the show. I am very encouraged by the comments from my fellow FReepers and I feel strongly that there's a market for a voice of truth here in the belly of the beast. This is truly a grass-roots operation and the FReeper support tells me I'm on the right track.

If you are from NY, you may know of Bill O'Shaughnessy and WVOX by their reputation as one of (maybe THE) last fiercely independent station operating on the community level in or around NYC. ECR is proud to be affiliated with them and grateful for the platform they're providing us to do what we're doing.

ECR would like to thank Kristinn for his time, and FR for giving us a forum to reach the best audience out there- independent minded conservatives. My BlogTalkRadio partner Chris from Islam in Action has a great blog and brings years of research into Islam to the show. He's been working hard with me as we try and get the format down.

Last but not least, thanks to all of those who tuned in tonight. Don't miss next week's show Wednesday 14 January 2009 at 7PM EDT. Also don't miss my BlogTalkRadio show on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 PM EDT. Tomorrow night I'm forcing Kristinn to come back on to resume our discussion from tonight.

One show in the can! Hopefully it's the first of many.

FR Show Thread Here

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