Sunday, January 25, 2009

Global Warming Snapshot: Snow Blankets UAE for 2nd Time Ever

As if we needed any more proof... it's now snowing in places where the local people don't even have a word for it.

Shocked residents struggled for words to describe the phenomenon. Weather-watchers in the region rushed to document it. The approximately 10 cm of snow on top of Jebal Jais is only the SECOND time in recorded history that it's snowed in the United Arab Emirates. The first was in 2004.

According to the RAK Government, temperatures on Jebel Jais dropped to -3°C on Friday night. On Saturday, the area had reached 1°C.
Major Saeed Rashid al Yamahi, a helicopter pilot and the manager of the Air Wing of RAK Police, said the snow covered an area of five kilometres and was 10cm deep.

“The sight up there this morning was totally unbelievable, with the snow-capped mountain and the entire area covered with fresh, dazzling white snow,” Major al Yamahi said.

“The snowfall started at 3pm Friday, and heavy snowing began at 8pm and continued till midnight, covering the entire area in a thick blanket of snow. Much of the snow was still there even when we flew back from the mountain this afternoon. It is still freezing cold up there and there are chances that it might snow again tonight.”

I guess how you respond to this news will probably depend on where you stand on the issue of global warming.

Believers in global warming probably see it as some sort of confirmation of their theory that the earth is warming (updated recently to claim pretty much any weather changes are related to global warming).

Pravda readers may claim it's a sign of an ice age coming.

Most of us just see it as confirmation that the enviro-whackos don't have any idea what they're talking about.

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