Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama vs the Dow Jones; a Semi-Visual of the Obama Recession

Have you noticed how the Wall Street talking heads on TV all seem to love Barack Hussein Obama so much? Have you ever wondered why it is that the market titans we depend on to stand up and fight for free market principles (in their own self-interest) and protect our opportunities from government activism seem to all be Obamatons themselves? I have too, and so I decided to look at an Obama timeline vs. the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

I thought about combining the data sources to make one really cool-looking chart. Someone with more skill and time than I have right now probably will. What I noticed, though, is that when I looked at the time points of Obama's candidacy vs. the DJIA, it seems that while the Wall Street titans love Obama, the market as a whole doesn't seem so enthusiastic. The slide was capped on Tuesday when the DJIA slid more than 300 points, in it's worst performance EVER on an inauguration day.

Free markets are complex and sensitive mechanisms that respond to ALL sorts of stimuli, but there's no denying that the biggest two stories of the past two years have been the disintegration of our market, and along with it TRILLIONS of dollars of our hardearned investment capital, and the ascendancy of The One from rookie-term fringe liberal Senator from Illinois to leader of the free world.

Sept. 12, 2007 Obama outlines a plan for withdrawing troops from Iraq by the end of 2008. Some of his Democratic rivals – Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson – complain that his withdrawal plan is not firm or fast enough.

Sept. 18, 2007 In an economic speech, Obama proposes $80 billion in tax cuts “to relieve the burden of the middle class.” He aims to pay for this by rolling back part of the Bush tax cuts on the upper class.

Dec. 8, 2007 Oprah Winfrey joins Obama on the campaign trail for a series of rallies starting in Des Moines, Iowa. Nearly 30,000 people come to see the pair in Columbia, S.C.

Jan. 3, 2008 Obama wins the Democratic Iowa caucuses. Edwards comes in second and Clinton a surprising third. Obama tells his audience, “You have done what the cynics said you couldn’t do

Feb. 18, 2008 At a rally in Wisconsin, Michelle Obama says that for the first time in her adult life, “I am really proud of my country

March 13, 2008 ABC News airs clips from the politically charged sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor of 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

May 11, 2008 Obama takes the lead in the superdelegate count, which Clinton once led by nearly 100.

June 3, 2008 The Democratic primary season ends with contests in South Dakota, which Clinton wins, and Montana, where Obama is victorious. A surge of more than 50 new superdelegate endorsements, combined with pledged delegates from that day's primaries, give Obama enough delegates to claim the Democratic nomination

November 4, 2008 Barack Hussein Obama wins the general election

January 20, 2009 Barack Hussein Obama is sworn is (improperly) as the 44th President of the United States

*timeline from NPR
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