Monday, January 5, 2009

Unsurprising: Franken Set to Steal Senate Seat, GOP Silent

I like to think that some day someone is going to stand up and fight the lunatic left. I am becoming more and more uncertain that the Republican Party can have anything to do with that.

Reuters reports:

"At the moment, Franken has a 225-vote lead," after the weekend counting of what were deemed the last uncounted absentee ballots, said Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, a Democrat who oversaw the process.

Ritchie said unless the supreme court acts on Coleman's request and orders more ballots to be counted, he will reconvene the state's Canvassing Board on Monday to certify Franken as the winner of the November 4 contest.

So as far as Minnesota goes, Al Franken and his crew of America-hating, free-spending limousine liberals have stolen the state's Senate Club seat from Norm Coleman. That really isn't news, as` the slow-motion fraud has been going on in the open for some time now.

What I do think is noteworthy is how Republicans aren't doing anything to stop it. Instead of making sure that every American knows about votes being found in trunks and closets and discarded fast food containers, Coleman and the Minnesota GOP seem content to keep things civil.

One voice standing against the fraud is Senator John Cornyn from Texas. Calling Senator (Up)Chuck Schumer's call to seat Franken "premature," he's been one of the few Republicans willing to risk a chance to get screwed by "work with" Dems in the future by daring mention the theft going on in Minnesota.

I'm sounding the alarm. The Dems are in the process of disenfranchising an entire state. We're in trouble. And we don't stand a chance of winning unless someone stands up and fights this liberal tyranny.

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