They're calling it "Bloody Monday." The first Monday of the Obama administration started with a bang, as 71,000 Americans lost their jobs in an unprecedented bloodbath in the job market. That's 200,000 so far this year. Maybe it's in response to Obama's tacit rejection of the Limbaugh Plan. I'm only half kidding.
Just days after Rush Limbaugh went on the air talking about how TAX CUTS would be a better use of the $1 Trillion
Will the networks start calling this what it is? The Obama Recession? NOT A CHANCE. They refuse to recognize that the Dow, and our economy, have been in free-fall ever since Obama took the lead in the Dem primaries last fall, as I have pointed out. The American people need to wake up, but don't count on the media to lead any charges.
In the meantime, 200,000 Americans this year, and 71,000 more Americans Monday, are looking for work and wondering how to keep food on the table, while the Obama administration kills jobs with tax increases to small businesses and politicians in Washington, driven crazy by the smell of pork, are literally LOOKING for ways to spend our money.
Obama may be ready to save the world just like he says, but the markets aren't buying it.
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