Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dem Plan to "Stimulate" Re-election with Your Money

Everyone knows that the $825 Billion NEW and IMPROVED stimulus package is going to fix our economy, and that new President Barack Hussein Obama has promised to do "whatever it takes" to get us out of our current economic slump.

The latest plan is to RENAME "bailout" as "stimulus" and rush this NEW and IMPROVED package through congress quickly, then immediately inject the $825 Billion into the economy... or is it?

Turns out this huge pork sandwich isn't meant to stimulate the economy so much as it is meant to stimulate Democrat re-election campaigns in 2010.

That's right - Bloomberg and the CBO are reporting that at least 25% of the $825 Billion won't be spent until 2010... just in time to buy enough votes to make sure the House and Senate keep their deepening red hue.

The $750 Billion "bailout" package didn't do the trick, with Secretary Paulsen taking the funds approved for toxic-asset-acquisition and going on a bank-buying spree instead, resulting in more than half the funds being as yet unaccounted for. Well, there goes roughly $3000 a head for every American citizen. So what better way to really crack down on out-of-control government spending than to do it all over again?

How long before Americans wake up to these thieves stealing our future and the futures of our children?

One thing is for sure, and that's that they aren't focused on creating JOBS

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