Thursday, January 8, 2009

Obama to Pay Back Hamas Campaign $$ with Legitimacy

How will an Obama administration conduct foreign policy? Here's a hint - The first foreign policy initiative being leaked from key Obammunists in the know is to spend some quality time with the guys who've spent the last six months lobbing rockets into residential neighborhoods in Israel and digging tunnels to facilitate and arm their terrorist network. Let's call it Terrorist Image Rehabilitation.

In breaking news tonight, the Guardian UK says that we can expect a radical move left in US foreign policy vis a vis Israel. While that might do something to quell the armies of thugs rampaging across Europe in support of their "oppressed" brethren in Gaza, it's likely to make sane people nauseous.

While Obama says, "We cannot be sending a message to the world that there are two different administrations conducting foreign policy," and "Until I take office, it would be imprudent of me to start sending out ­signals that somehow we are running foreign policy when I am not legally authorised to do so," which sounds like the standard rat-a-tat-tat of a responsible American president-elect, key Obammunists are singing a different tune in interviews with the foreign press.

Talking to the Euros the song goes like this:

"Secret envoys, multilateral six-party talk-like approaches. The total isolation of Hamas that we promulgated under Bush is going to end," said Steve Clemons, the director of the American Strategy Programme at the New America Foundation.

Another potential contender for a foreign policy role in the Obama administration suggested that the president-elect would not be bound by the Bush doctrine of isolating Hamas. "This is going to be an administration that is committed to negotiating with critical parties on critical issues," the source said.

Last night on Evil Conservative Radio I warned of precisely this radical leftward shift in US policy under Obama. I had no idea that the idea would be floated so soon. This indicates to me that Obama is chomping at the bit to start reducing our ties with and support of Israel. Fasten your seatbelts. If this is how US foreign policy is going to be under Obama, we're in for a bumpy ride.

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