Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What the Press Isn't Reporting About the Stimulus Bill: Obama Crushes Bipartisanship in Washington DC

Boy, the promised new era of cooperation and bipartisanship didn't last long, did it? Eight days after being inaugurated in a press O-rgasm of adulation and joy over the looming golden era of post-partisan politics, Obama and the leftist contingent of the House of Representatives steamrolled over a bipartisan opposition.

Does the press report this accurately? No way. They mention the united GOP, for sure, but only as an obstruction to their agenda. Aside from the obvious problem that the press HAS such an obvious agenda, the monolithic nature of the mainstream media is daunting. Only Fox News departed from the script of GOP-as-obstruction, and even they, while mentioning the backbone shown by the Republicans, ignore the real story - bipartisanship in the US Congress is dead. I hope the GOP gets the message.

The headlines from MSM:

MSNBC: All Republicans Vote Against Bill
NY Times: House Passes Stimulus Plan Despite GOP Opposition
LA Times: House Passes Stimulus Bill: All Republicans Vote Against Bill White House Promises Will Deliver Jobs
Washington Post: House Approves $819 B plan
Fox News: GOP Showing Backbone?

Every single news outlet chose to ignore the real news - that the GOP was joined by 11 Democrats who see the danger of what's going on. The Dems who voted against it are:

1 Boyd FL 2
2 Bright Alabama 2
3 Cooper Tennessee 5
4 Ellsworth Indiana 8
5 Griffith Alabama 5
6 Kanjorski PA 11
7 Kratovil Maryland 1
8 Minnick Idaho 1
9 Peterson Minnesota 7
10 Shuler N C 11
11 Taylor Mississippi 4

Contact your GOP representative or one of these Dems and let them know how much you appreciate their stand. Let's see what happens in the Senate.

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