Saturday, January 31, 2009
Obama's Troubling Bro-mance with Ahmadinejad
Obama's often-expressed desire to just sit and talk with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is heating up. Obama just keeps on trying like a starstruck teen, and the sartorially challenged leader of the wanna-be Islamic superstate just keeps on saying "no."
MTV has a term for this kind of sizzling, charged relationship between two guys - a bro-mance. And Barry and Mahmoud are certainly having a full-fledged bro-mance. It's definitely fascinating, and it would be funny if it weren't so damaging to US interests throughout the Muslim world. It might still be kind of funny.
What do I mean by damaging? I mean that in foreign policy matters, it's generally seen as a weakness to ask for a meeting of two heads of state. It implies that the one asking wants or more likely needs something of the one asked. Once you understand that, you understand why US policy has always been for Iran, and nations like them, to come to us - not the other way around.
It's also why nations, particularly those at odds with each other, routinely go through an intricate mating ritual with many levels of diplomatic talks before someone finally feels comfortable enough (and authorized) to suggest a consummation of the relationship by having the two heads of state meet. What I mean to say is that Barry's basically humping Mahmoud's leg before they've even gone to dinner and the world press is pretending not to notice.
Obama said during the campaign several times that he'd like to meet with Iran. Iran never said yes. Tone-deaf or stubborn, Obama asked again after his inauguration, only to be rebuffed with a solid NO by Iran. Then he went on Arabic TV (his FIRST interview as president) and kissed up. Now it's being reported Obama plans to pen a note to the mullahs in Iran asking AGAIN for a meeting.
To the rest of the world, and anyone here who's paying attention, it amounts to groveling.
This begs an obvious question. As Barack Hussein Obama races our nation's economy towards the brink, fills his cabinet with moonbats, idealogues, lobbyists, and tax cheats, and elevates the status of Iran and Ahmadinejad from pariahs to Islamic heroes, does he know what he's doing? It seems to me there are two possibilities - either he's completely inept and unperceptive, totally unprepared and incapable of doing this job - or he knows exactly what he's doing.
In other words, is Obama malicious, or is he just plain stupid?
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Obama Weakly Address: Bashes Capitalism, Economy, Ignores Dem Corruption
President Obama made his weekly address today, using it as an opportunity to further talk down our markets, bash capitalism, and generally depress everyone. I'd only recommend you watch it if you like having that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
The one aspect that really stuck out at me was how he got so preachy about the Wall Street bonuses (something that he really has no constitutional authority to control), while he continues to ignore the rampant Democrat corruption that caused much of the crisis (his constitutional responsibility). all the while lecturing US about responsibility and ethics.
No mention of Chris Dodd's sweetheart mortgage deal. No mention of Barney Frank's criminal negligence in oversight of the banking industry. No mention of Franklin Raines or Jim Johnson and how they cooked the books at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. No mention of Chuckie Schumer's attack on IndyMac to get the whole ball rolling on our collapsing economy. Probably because those crises helped get him elected.
Maybe even more concerning is the President's apparent lack of concern for the market and investor confidence. Saying things are going to get worse and never mentioning the opportunities in our economy seems almost calculated to depress our markets and our national psyche. His failure to go to Wall Street and reassure investors while he has time for long morning workouts and $100 steak dinners seems almost like malfeasance, or at the very least abject ineptitude. If the media were doing their job at all, he'd have some explaining to do.
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EU President Klaus Davos-tates Gore: "Environmentalism Threatening Our Freedom"
You know, the more I learn about Czech President Vaclav Klaus, the more I think the next time we elect a foreigner president we should seriously consider him. Based on what he's been saying lately, the current EU head seems ready to use his bully pulpit to try and inject some truth into European politics.
Today Breitbart is reporting the 67 year old went to Davos and openly challenged both the science and motivations of the envirofascists. Saying he's more concerned about the "consequences of the crisis than the crisis itself," and that he's "afraid that the current crisis will be misused for radically constraining the functioning of the markets and market economy all around the world," Klaus seems like ONE world leader who's gotten the wake-up call from science. He even flatly said he doesn't "think there is any global warming."
When the current EU president is considerably to the right of the Republican candidate for President of the USA... it's WAAAAAY past time for some serious change in the GOP.
From Breitbart:
Czech President Vaclav Klaus took aim at climate change campaigner Al Gore on Saturday in Davos in a frontal attack on the science of global warming.
"I don't think that there is any global warming," said the 67-year-old liberal, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union. "I don't see the statistical data for that."
Referring to the former US vice president, who attended Davos this year, he added: "I'm very sorry that some people like Al Gore are not ready to listen to the competing theories. I do listen to them.
"Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom. Al Gore is an important person in this movement."
Speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, he said that he was more worried about the reaction to the perceived dangers than the consequences.
"I'm afraid that the current crisis will be misused for radically constraining the functioning of the markets and market economy all around the world," he said.
"I'm more afraid of the consequences of the crisis than the crisis itself."
Klaus makes no secret of his climate change scepticism -- he is also a fierce critic of the European Union -- and has branded the world's top panel of climate experts, the UN's IPCC, a smug monopoly.
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What the Media Isn't Telling You About Gaza: Al-Qaeda and Hamas "Hand in Hand"
Hamas and Al-Qaeda are working in "complete cooperation," according to reports from the Gaza strip, and Y-net News reports the terror franchise has been very successful at developing a strong level of support among the local populace.
If you watch the mainstream media or listen to the passionate pro-Hamas rallies here on the streets of New York, or listened to any of the mouthpieces of our new President, you're most likely under the impression that the Hamas "freedom fighters" are just a bunch of rag-tag, underarmed, oppressed people standing up against evil Israel.
Unfortunately, like most liberal pipe dreams, one look at reality blows that image up. I wonder why this sort of journalism never comes from ABCNNBCBS?
Thousands of global Jihad supporters, mostly concentrated in southern Gaza, are currently active in the Strip according to a Ynet inquiry with various Palestinian sources.
According to Ynet's inquiry, the overwhelming majority of Qaeda supporters are in fact Hamas or Popular Resistance Commiittees (PRC) members who were unimipressed with Hamas' decision to join the political establishment and run in the Palestinian elections. These members claimed that this prompted Hamas to abandon the path of Jihad, which they felt is the only way to liberate Palestinian lands from Israel's control.
A source in an Islamic group in Gaza told Ynet that "these thousands of activists were educated that the war with the Jews must continue with no comprises or shortcuts, until judgment day arrives."
"Once Hamas chose the political path alongside the path of resistance, thousands of people sought an alternative framework," the source said, adding that the jihadists received the blessing of Sheikhs and religious clerics.
Another source in a Gaza group told Ynet that the Qaeda activists are not necessarily Palestinians who left Hamas or the PRC, "but rather, people who chose not to blindly abide by the decision to take part in the elections and the lull, and continued the path of war."
According to the source, joining global Jihad gave Hamas members an opportunity to carry out attacks under a different umbrella, while Hamas seemingly remained committed to the lull. The two camps usually operate in Gaza in complete coordination, with the exception of a few clashes.
The net result of Israel's half-measures against the Gaza thugs? Al-Qaeda and Hamas are closer than ever:
The Gaza War improved the relationship between al-Qaeda and Hamas. During the war, senior Qaeda figures, including Osama Bin Laden himself, expressed solidarity with and support for Hamas in the wake of the group's struggle against the Gaza siege and its decision not to renew the lull in the Strip.
Obama wants to sit down with these people and Iran. There are reports he has "reached out" to Al Qaeda himself. Why does the left lionize and idolize people so married to an ideology that will destroy us all?
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Obama Signs Fair Pay Act, Pays Own Female Staffers 78% of Male Pay
A lot of people are excited about Barack Obama signing into law the Lilly Ledbetter Law - I'm pretty sure you heard about it on the radio or saw it on TV. Probably no one's happier than Mr. Obama's own female staffers who, according to last year's Report of the Secretary of the Senate, paid his female staffers only 78% of what he paid his male staffers.
It's nice to see that the Dem pattern of holding the rest of us to a standard they themselves won't commit to.... continues.
From CNS News:
In a ceremony in the East Room of the White House flanked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden, Obama spoke as Lilly Ledbetter – a former Goodyear Tire manager from Alabama, whose case inspired the new law – stood beside him.
“While this bill bears her name, Lilly knows this story isn’t just about her,” Obama said. “It is a story of women across this country still earning just 78 cents for every $1 men earn, women of color even less, which means that today in the year 2009, countless women are still losing thousands of dollars in salary, income, and retirement savings over the course of a lifetime.”
Women who worked on Obama’s Senate staff last year, however, were themselves paid on average 78 cents for every dollar a man was paid, according to data last year from the Report of the Secretary of the Senate.
The data, analyzed by, showed that in the period from Oct. 1, 2007, through March 31, 2008, Obama paid women on his Senate staff an annual average salary of $44,953.21. That was $12,472 less than the $57,425 average annual salary that then-Sen. Obama paid men.
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Friday, January 30, 2009
Inside Saudi Arabia - ECR Interviews Dr. Sami Alrabaa
ECR brings you an exclusive interview with Dr. Sami Alrabaa, former professor at King Saud University in Riyadh and author of Karin in Saudi Arabia, a harrowing tale of a western woman who finds herself trapped in Saudi Arabia. Did you know even a Western woman traveling alone in Saudi Arabia is subject to being jailed? Or that it's possible in Saudi Arabia for a woman to be married without her KNOWLEDGE? And that once that happens they can't travel without their husband's permission? It's a true story, and it all happened to Karin in Saudi Arabia. This is Part 1. I'll have Part 2 up ASAP.
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PETA Site Pranked by Omaha Steaks Ad
Some clever techies confused PETA supporters today by pulling a well-executed prank against their campaign to “re-brand” fish as sea kittens.
For at least a couple hours today, the internet was abuzz with the fact that had an Omaha Steaks ad smack-dab at the top of the page.
The thought of those self-righteous, preachy, vacuous, delusional, human-hating and animal-killing, hypocritical nut-cases having to discuss steak all day almost makes up for the fact that it was just a prank set up on a duplicate website. And probably meant to garner attention for their "sea kitty" campaign. If that's the case then just keep on moving...nothing to see here, folks.
Actually, I think the most disturbing aspect of the PETA crowd is that the expect people to take them seriously. Or is it that they take themselves so seriously? Or is it that they think that animals should be able to sue people? Or is it that they are popping up in high, policy-making places in the Obama administration? Hmmm.
Oh, yeah, I found this at, and I really can't recommend visiting it, unless you like to read about reasons you should be vegan, and the top 10 ways to mulch in your apartment...etc.
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The Obama Recession: Jobless Claims Hit All-Time High
When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, the Iranian mullahs were so convinced of his leadership and strength that they immediately released the hostages they had held for 444 days.
When Barack Obama became president last week, American businesses were so concerned about his lack of leadership and failure to understand basic market principles that they began lopping jobs faster than ever before. 71,000 lost jobs on Monday alone.
I guess its up to the businesses of America to be the party crashers and have to break the news to people that, despite the hope and change being peddled by Obama and shoved down our throats in a non-stop media O-rgasm - things are tough, and Obama's ascendancy hasn't done a darn thing to fix it... Most of us in the real world still seriously doubt this man's preparation and ability to the job he's been elected to do.
The number of people receiving unemployment benefits has reached an all-time record, the government said Thursday, as layoffs spread throughout the economy.
The Labor Department reported that the number of Americans continuing to claim unemployment insurance for the week ending Jan. 17 was a seasonally adjusted 4.78 million, the highest on records dating back to 1967.
A department analyst said that as a proportion of the work force, the tally of unemployment recipients is the highest since August 1983.
The total released by the department doesn't include about 1.7 million people receiving benefits under an extended unemployment compensation program authorized by Congress last summer. That means the total number of recipients is actually closer to 6.5 million people.
image courtesy of The Black Sphere
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Shift at UN: Obama Admin Supports Investigation of Israel for Gaza "Crimes"
The new US Ambassador to the UN wasted no time at all in breaking with previous US policy towards Israel. While Obama pays lip service to Israel's right to defend itself, his ambassador to the UN used her first address in NY to call for an investigation into possible "war crimes" by Israel during the recent Gaza offensive.
Making her debut speech before the UN Security Council, US ambassador Susan Rice set the new mood... a marked shift from the rhetoric previously adopted under the Bush administration, the new US envoy told the Security Council that the "numerous allegations made against Israel" must be investigated.
She went on to single out the "tragic suffering of Palestinian civilians, who require urgent humanitarian and reconstruction assistance".
Previous US administrations have recognized that Israel is in a permanent state of war, with perpetual threats to its very existence emanating from the pockets of lunatics surrounding them. This administration seems willing to side with the terrorists right away.
From Obama's stumbling bro-mance of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mullahcracy in Iran, to huge paybacks to ACORN in the stimulus package, to the lip service and dishonesty in our NEW Israel policy, the Obama administration is breaking to the left faster than anyone could imagine. On seemingly every front Obama is sprinting leftward while the media and he himself pay lip service to the ideals that made this country great. This is deception at its worst.
Click Here for Rice's Speech
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Liberal Economists Say Bailout $$ Not Enough (seriously)
It didn't work, but maybe it will if we do it BIGGER. That seems to be the logic behind the push for EVEN MORE government intervention into the economy, being championed by a group of economists including the Center for American Progress.
One thing everyone seems to be able to agree on is that FDR's New Deal didn't work. That makes it extra-ironic that they think the solution to a failed New Deal is to try a New Deal squared.
Unemployment, they argue, could top 10 percent if the government doesn't step in aggressively. And if the situation cascades out of control — which they fear it could — we could face unemployment levels not seen since the figure reached a horrific 25 percent during the Great Depression. In that crisis, total government spending as a percentage of the economy was just below 20 percent. Today, that figure is already above 35 percent, and may go higher still with the stimulus effort. Some economists argue that President Franklin D. Roosevelt was never fully able to truly turn the Depression-era economy around until the advent of massive government spending during World War II. That's why they say more spending is needed now.
That kind of a mindset is dangerous. I wonder if the economists pushing this fiasco have ever actually STUDIED any post-Marx economics.
Among those who say government needs to spend more, not less, there’s a consensus figure for exactly how much more: $400 billion over two years, for a total package of about $1.2 trillion.
“The stimulus does not need to be timely, targeted and temporary,” argues Robert Kuttner, co-editor of The American Prospect. “It needs to be adequate to do the job.” He runs some quick back of the envelope math. “Eight hundred and twenty billion is about 2.5% of GDP. But the economy is sinking at the rate of five to six percent. So they may find out they have to come back and ask for more.”
He's serious, folks. Presumably we need to spend another $400 Billion on abortion funding and tree planting and ACORN payoffs. Yeah, that'll do the trick.
I wonder why the economists don't just argue that the bill should lower taxes for small businesses so that they can hire more people and create new jobs? Or why don't they argue that the expenditures be used more wisely?
The funny thing is that the government just basically LOST $350 Billion it gave to Wall Street, and the new "stimulus" package has more than 25% that won;t be available until election year 2012... when Dems can buy off votes with tax dollars. I wonder why the report seemed so concerned with the need for more government spending, and shows no concern at all for oversight.
Remember the damage that Chuck Schumer caused this summer with his verbal drive-by shooting of IndyMac Bank? Remember the damage caused to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by Obama's buddies? Imagine the damage those morons could cause with an extra half-trillion dollars?
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RINO Alert: Christine Todd Whitman Calls for "New GOP"
In the frenetic reaction to the drubbing the GOP experienced this fall at the polls, more than one person has made suggestions on how the GOP can rebound. If we're not vigilant, the GOP will continue becoming Democrat-lite. That couldn't be any more evident than with people like Christy Todd Whitman chiming in about "remaking" the GOP. I didn't need to read the article (but I did!) to know that what she proposes would destroy the only chance our republic has - namely a conservative revival.
See, I read this crap so you don't have to. Believe me, it's painful to have her communicate such a twisted and LOSING philosophy. Crap like this:
If Republicans continue to look solely for purity on a host of social issues, we are destined to be the minority for the foreseeable future. Let’s face it – the Democrats captured the hearts of the younger generation in this election. They did so with a promise of hope and opportunity. Those should be benefits that the Republicans have to offer – the promise of smaller government, reduced taxes and balanced budgets are Republican issues as is the protection of our environment. Sadly, our party has lost its course in recent years and those values are not what the electorate envisions when they hear the word Republican. Surely anyone who looks at the party’s losses in 2006 and 2008 can recognize that more of the same – or moving farther from the center where most voters are comfortable – is not the way to reverse this trend.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Dems kicked GOP butt the last two elections ('06 and '08) precisely because they DID demand ideological purity from their team. They weeded out people like Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, tossing aside those senior Democrats like used paper towels when they dared stray from the party line.
Because of this, 45 Dems can pretty much beat 55 Republicans every time. Why? because the GOP has become a very loose coalition of anyone willing to throw an "R" after their name. The Dems have become a very tightly disciplined ideological unit, able to peel off a GOP vote here and there to lay claim to "bipartisanship." It's the reverse of 1994... and we're paying the price.
The GOP's inattention to policing their own ranks became obvious this past year, when, only 20 years removed from the Reagan administration, we had a national election with two liberals running against each other. We'd better wise up fast, or the GOP will be a minority party in perpetuity. Maybe that's what RINO's like Whitman and McCain want.
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Did George Soros' $$ Buy Obama's "Blackness"?
At the NAACP's 100th annual meeting in 2008, a big topic of discussion was Barack Obama and his campaign for President. Specifically, whether or not the black community should support him in his bid as one of their own. The question was whether or not someone with mixed heritage, who had been raised overseas, had enough of the American experience to be able to adequately represent their community. To their credit, it seems like this caucus of African-American leaders did more vetting of the candidate than either the media or Democrat Party.
What ensued was a debate that was only settled after some time and much disagreement. How it was settled may surprise you. ECR talked Wednesday night with one of the people at that meeting on WVOX - 1460 AM in NYC - on our weekly Wednesday night show (7PM EDT). Pastor James David Manning of Atlah Ministries in Harlem gives ECR an inside look at what happened.
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Obama Takes Cheap Shot at Wall Street; Implies MORE Job-Squashing Regulation
President Barack Hussein Obama today opened fire on the biggest single source of capital aggregation and job creation in the world - Wall Street.
Obama criticized the bonuses and earnings of Wall Street executives, an easy target in a down market and one that isn't likely to fire back.
President Barack Obama issued a withering critique Thursday of Wall Street corporate behavior, calling it "the height of irresponsibility" for employees to be paid more than $18 billion in bonuses last year while their crumbling financial sector received a bailout from taxpayers. "It is shameful," Obama said from the Oval Office. "And part of what we're going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint, and show some discipline, and show some sense of responsibility."
Obama's savvy enough to know a defenseless opponent when he sees one, and that's exactly what's happening. The media parrots the socialist calls for more and more regulation and demonizes the filthy lucre earned by the financial sector, but they never tell the real story of how Wall Street, and financial firms in general, were sabotaged by poor regulation in the first place.
It's important to remember when the socialists in government and their allies in the press start to condemn Wall Street for its irresponsibility, that the SAME people who "regulated" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and let the entire industry go to hell in a handbasket are the ones proimising better and more efficient oversight than before. "We didn't do our jobs properly last time... but we know better now. It's really the fault of those scheming bankers."
Obama's strong words overshadowed the other part of his message, that he wants to roll out, in the coming weeks, new plans to regulate Wall Street and get more credit flowing to consumers again. The president considers such steps to work in tandem with the economic stimulus measures unfolding in Congress.
One idea under consideration by the Obama administration is the creation of a "bad bank" that could take over the soured debt, like defaulting mortgages, that have corroded the balance sheets of banks and helped choke off lending. The president did not talk about that proposal or any others.
I call BS on that. The same activist left-wingers in government that gave us the disastrous Community Reinvestment Acts of 1997 and 1977, berated anyone questioning the sagacity of Fannie Mae's seriously flawed business model, and whose best solution to our current economic crisis has been to print money like it's only so much paper, deserve to be challenged on this. All this government help is killing us.
I think the shortest route to recovery is for activist do-gooders like President Obama to butt out, and let the scheming capitalists do their thing as unfettered as possible, regulated only to ensure a fair playing field for all investors. After all, I can't think of even one product that Barack Hussein Obama has brought to market successfully, except maybe himself.
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Ford Takes Its Lumps, But Not Taxpayer $$
Ford Motor Company, the only Detroit automaker not currently digging in taxpayer pockets, posted a $14.6 Billion loss for 2008, its largest loss ever, and is buckling down for a tough 2009.
Unlike its competitors GM and Chrysler, both of which are right now suckling at the teat of nanny government, Ford has chosen to try and remain independent while competing against their own tax dollars in the form of government bailout money given to their competitors.
I've never been a big Ford guy. In fact, I come from a Chevy family. But no longer. Here's hoping that Ford can right the ship without the government's "help," and here's hoping I have the scratch to buy a Ford sometime this year. It's going to be a challenge for them, competing against the US Govt Auto Division (GM and Chrysler), and I'd like to show solidarity. I'd encourage anyone shopping for a car to do the same.
From Yahoo News:
After the worst annual loss in its 105-year history, Ford Motor Co. still doesn't plan to seek government aid, but it's borrowing more money and hinting at further restructuring to brace for a tough 2009 and any surprises from the unpredictable economy..
The second-largest U.S.-based automaker on Thursday reported a $14.6 billion net loss for 2008, beating its old record of $12.6 billion set two years earlier. Ford lost $5.9 billion in the fourth quarter, but more importantly it spent $5.5 billion more than it took in, dropping its cash reserves to $13.4 billion at year's end.
The company, like other automakers, predicted a slow start to the year with a small recovery in the second half aided by government stimulus packages. But Ford is behaving like it's expecting things to get worse. The company told lenders Thursday that it wants to borrow the remaining $10.1 billion of its secured credit line. The money is to arrive Tuesday, but Ford executives said they don't plan to use it for operating expenses.
"We took this action because of our concerns about the growing instability of the capital markets," Chief Executive Alan Mulally said on a conference call with reporters and industry analysts. "The worldwide economic slowdown, driven by tight credit markets and weak consumer confidence, has shaken the foundation of even the strongest companies in the automotive sector and other industries."
Ford said its financing arm would cut about 20 percent of its work force, or 1,200 full-time and contract jobs, as it deals with a smaller U.S. market.
The Dearborn-based company also reduced its forecast for industrywide U.S. sales this year from 12.5 million to a range between 11.5 million and 12.5 million
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Dubai in Deep Doo-Doo; Raw Sewage Everywhere
“The stench was unbearable and the water was a muddy brown. There was toilet paper in the sand,”
The most prestigious stretch of beachfront in that new and sparkling playground for the rich and famous, Dubai, is so filthy that people are advised to stay off it entirely.
A "noxious tide of toilet paper, raw sewage and chemical waste has transformed Dubai’s most prestigious stretch of shoreline into a foul-smelling health hazard," the Times Online-UK reported, ironically in their travel section. Apparently 1.3 million people can't all squat behind a camel and still keep things sanitary. “It’s a cesspool. Our tests show too many E. coli to count. It’s like swimming in a toilet,” said Keith Mutch, the manager of the Offshore Sailing Club, which has posted warnings and been forced to cancel regattas.
Remembering to keep things in their proper order, however, a fix is on hold while they argue about who's to blame for the frighteningly unsanitary conditions... we'll keep an eye from a distance.
The debate over who is to blame is also turning toxic, pitting the city’s wealthy expatriates against local authorities, who have been criticised for failing to stop lorry drivers dumping human and industrial waste into the ocean.The pollution is a blow to Dubai’s reputation as an international holiday destination offering almost guaranteed sunshine and clear seas.
No kidding.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Pastor Manning Says Liberal Programs Destroying Black Community
Tonight on Evil Conservative Radio we were joined by Pastor James David Manning of Atlah Ministries in Harlem. You've heard the hype. Now meet the man. In this first segment he tells us a little about who he is and what his ministry has done in the community, as well as what's wrong with the community he serves. This is a fascinating interview you don't want to miss. He's not just about Obama. We talk about abortion and crime and many other topics in this segment. I'll post other segments as soon as I can upload them.
EC on the Stimulus Package Spin (Audio)
This is the intro to Evil Conservative Radio tonight on WVOX-1460AM in New Rochelle, right outside NYC. Blasting the truth behind enemy lines, EC takes on the porkulus package passed tonight and talks about the media missing the real story - the death of bipartisanship in DC, and Obama's deception in trying to sound like Reagan while he peddles European style socialism.
He's Just Not That Into You: Obama Plays Chamberlain to A-Jad's Hitler
What would a homicidal antisemitic monster be without a fan club? Hitler had Chamberlain as a lap dog, and it's starting to look like Obama's ready to play the same part for Iran's "I'm-in-the-mood-for-jihad" Ahmadinejad.
The news tonight is that, after suggesting talks with Iran, and being rebuffed heartily by the mullah-cracy that rules Iran, Obama's taking another tact. He's writing a Dear Mahmoud note. I don't know if it's scented, or possibly sealed with a kiss, but either supposition can't be too far from the truth. Maybe he sent Super Bowl tickets?
From The Guardian:
Officials of Barack Obama's administration have drafted a letter to Iran from the president aimed at unfreezing US-Iranian relations and opening the way for face-to-face talks, the Guardian has learned.
The US state department has been working on drafts of the letter since Obama was elected on 4 November last year. It is in reply to a lengthy letter of congratulations sent by the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on 6 November.
Diplomats said Obama's letter would be a symbolic gesture to mark a change in tone from the hostile one adopted by the Bush administration, which portrayed Iran as part of an "axis of evil".
It would be intended to allay the suspicions of Iran's leaders and pave the way for Obama to engage them directly, a break with past policy.
State department officials have composed at least three drafts of the letter, which gives assurances that Washington does not want to overthrow the Islamic regime, but merely seeks a change in its behaviour. The letter would be addressed to the Iranian people and sent directly to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, or released as an open letter.
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What the Press Isn't Reporting About the Stimulus Bill: Obama Crushes Bipartisanship in Washington DC
Boy, the promised new era of cooperation and bipartisanship didn't last long, did it? Eight days after being inaugurated in a press O-rgasm of adulation and joy over the looming golden era of post-partisan politics, Obama and the leftist contingent of the House of Representatives steamrolled over a bipartisan opposition.
Does the press report this accurately? No way. They mention the united GOP, for sure, but only as an obstruction to their agenda. Aside from the obvious problem that the press HAS such an obvious agenda, the monolithic nature of the mainstream media is daunting. Only Fox News departed from the script of GOP-as-obstruction, and even they, while mentioning the backbone shown by the Republicans, ignore the real story - bipartisanship in the US Congress is dead. I hope the GOP gets the message.
The headlines from MSM:
MSNBC: All Republicans Vote Against Bill
NY Times: House Passes Stimulus Plan Despite GOP Opposition
LA Times: House Passes Stimulus Bill: All Republicans Vote Against Bill White House Promises Will Deliver Jobs
Washington Post: House Approves $819 B plan
Fox News: GOP Showing Backbone?
Every single news outlet chose to ignore the real news - that the GOP was joined by 11 Democrats who see the danger of what's going on. The Dems who voted against it are:
1 Boyd FL 2
2 Bright Alabama 2
3 Cooper Tennessee 5
4 Ellsworth Indiana 8
5 Griffith Alabama 5
6 Kanjorski PA 11
7 Kratovil Maryland 1
8 Minnick Idaho 1
9 Peterson Minnesota 7
10 Shuler N C 11
11 Taylor Mississippi 4
Contact your GOP representative or one of these Dems and let them know how much you appreciate their stand. Let's see what happens in the Senate.
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Pastor Manning on ECR (WVOX-AM 1460 in NYC) 7PM: The Deception of Obama
Don't miss Evil Conservative Radio tonight at 7pm on WVOX-New Rochelle/NYC 1460 AM. If you're not in NYC, catch the stream on Evil Conservative Radio's official site.
Tonight Pastor Manning of Atlah Ministries in Harlem will join us. He's promised to present an "irrefutable case" against Barack Obama and how the serial mendacity of his campaign is manifesting itself in the nascent Obama administration. The call-in number is 914-636-0110.
Last week Pastor Manning gave us a preview of what we can expect here.
Evil Conservative Radio - Bringing you the stories the mainstream media won't.
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Tonight Pastor Manning of Atlah Ministries in Harlem will join us. He's promised to present an "irrefutable case" against Barack Obama and how the serial mendacity of his campaign is manifesting itself in the nascent Obama administration. The call-in number is 914-636-0110.
Last week Pastor Manning gave us a preview of what we can expect here.
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Delusional Foreign Policy: Clinton Updates Press on Israel, Iraq, Iran
A run-down on some of the things Hillary has said to the press about various diplomatic efforts worldwide within a week of her confirmation as Secretary of State.
1. She acknowledged US policy that Israel has the right to defend themselves from Hamas rocket attacks. Sad that we really need an incoming American administration to reiterate this, as it should be self-evident. But we do.
"We support Israel's right to self-defense. The [Palestinian] rocket barrages which are getting closer and closer to populated areas [in Israel] cannot go unanswered," Clinton said in her first news conference at the State Department.
"It is regrettable that the Hamas leadership apparently believes that it is in their interest to provoke the right of self-defense instead of building a better future for the people of Gaza," she added.
2. She's contacted leaders in Iraq to assure them of the "continuity" of US policy towards Iraq. So the whole campaign about an Iraq withdrawal, and the whole anti-war candidate thing.... Obama did that just to get votes from deranged lefties who would've voted for my dog if I covered him in anti-war stickers? Why, that would be a calculating and cynical ploy to deceive voters....Say it ain't so!
Clinton said she spoke by telephone today with top Iraqi officials to make clear that there will be continuity in U.S. policy.
She said her call was intended to reinforce our commitment to a democratic and sovereign Iraq and the importance of their provincial elections. Iraqis are scheduled to vote on Saturday in a set of elections that U.S. and Iraqi officials hope will further solidify progress toward national political reconciliation.
Daily Koz.... are you listening???
3. (and this is my favorite) Clinton kept talking about the "opportunity" this is for Iran, to open negotiations with us. She completely ignored the fact that Iran has been telling us to go screw ourselves with our "talks." Obviously the media isn't going to rub anyone's face in the mess they've already made of the Iran situation. But there she is, talking like we're just waiting to hear back from our mullah buddies in Iran to get started on this new era of peace.
How long can Obama and his crew get away with this stuff?
From Ha'aretz:
"There is a clear opportunity for the Iranians, as the president expressed in his interview, to demonstrate some willingness to engage meaningfully with the international community," she said. "Whether or not that hand becomes less clenched is really up to them."
She said the administration is undertaking a wide-ranging and comprehensive survey of U.S. policy options toward Iran.
"There is just a lot that we are considering that I'm not prepared to discuss," she added.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
These Are The Sorts of Crooks Getting Our Tax Dollars: AIG Exec Sentenced
The last six months have seen the largest transfer of wealth in human history, as more than $2 Trillion ($9 Trillion by Bloomberg's estimate) has been transferred from you and me to enormous corporations that can't manage their businesses properly. No one's been worse than AIG, bellying up to the trough repeatedly, gorging on BILLIONS of OUR dollars.
What's the new official government policy regarding crooks, cheats, manipulators and failures? We FINANCE them so they can do it bigger, and so their competitors in the market who play by the rules, get to compete against their own tax dollars. How does it make any sense to REWARD the companies and shareholders who are failing for whatever reason?
The free market hasn't failed. Our government is destroying it. These are the sorts of crooks we're giving money to. Bailing out AIG only encourages their shareholders to keep hiring crooks like Christian Milton.
A former executive of American International Group Inc. has been sentenced to four years in prison in a fraud case that authorities say cost shareholders more than $500 million.
Christian Milton of Winnewood, Pa., declined to comment during a hearing in federal court on Tuesday in Hartford. He was ordered to report to prison March 25. His lawyers say they're working on an appeal.
Milton was convicted last year of conspiracy, securities fraud, mail fraud and making false statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The 58-year-old Milton had been AIG's vice president of reinsurance.
Prosecutors say the fraud involved executives from AIG and General Re Corp. propping up AIG's stock price and inflating reserves by $500 million.
BusinessWeek article here
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Just Call It What It Is- The Obama Recession Claims 71,000 More Jobs - In One Day
They're calling it "Bloody Monday." The first Monday of the Obama administration started with a bang, as 71,000 Americans lost their jobs in an unprecedented bloodbath in the job market. That's 200,000 so far this year. Maybe it's in response to Obama's tacit rejection of the Limbaugh Plan. I'm only half kidding.
Just days after Rush Limbaugh went on the air talking about how TAX CUTS would be a better use of the $1 Trillion
Will the networks start calling this what it is? The Obama Recession? NOT A CHANCE. They refuse to recognize that the Dow, and our economy, have been in free-fall ever since Obama took the lead in the Dem primaries last fall, as I have pointed out. The American people need to wake up, but don't count on the media to lead any charges.
In the meantime, 200,000 Americans this year, and 71,000 more Americans Monday, are looking for work and wondering how to keep food on the table, while the Obama administration kills jobs with tax increases to small businesses and politicians in Washington, driven crazy by the smell of pork, are literally LOOKING for ways to spend our money.
Obama may be ready to save the world just like he says, but the markets aren't buying it.
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Big Brother Alert: California Town Bans Smoking... In Your Home!
Take someone with too much time on their hands and a ridiculously moralistic and self-righteous worldview, combine that with activist government and what do you get? A city that bans smoking in your own home, that's what. One California town has taken misguided activist government to a new place - private residences.
Residents in apartment buildings inside the city limits of Belmont, California won't be lighting up cigarettes with their morning coffee at the breakfast table anymore. Residents violating the ordinance will face $100 fines.
The article doesn't address why the buildings don't simply make their own rules.
When does this madness stop? Our politicians won't restrict abortion because of some judicially manufactured "right to privacy," but they'll invade the homes of citizens to keep them from smoking in their own homes.
The (Belmont City) Council passed the law in October 2007, barring smoking anywhere in the city of about 25,000 except in detached homes and yards, streets and some sidewalks, and designated smoking areas outside.
NY Times Article
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Oops: Man Buys Used iPod, Gets 60 Pages of Sensitive Military Data
Chris Ogle of New Zealand bought a used iPod for $15. Upon using it the first time he found page after page of sensitive US Military documents.
The iPod reportedly contains everything from the names and personal details of thousands of soldiers, many of whom served in Afghanistan and Iraq, to mission details and equipment information.
The initial question is why the iPod was sold with that information on it. The larger question is why in heck is this kind of information being stored on an iPod and for what purpose and.... why hasn't the government asked for this back??
From ars technica website:
This incident is probably not the worst breach of military data in recent memory. About a year ago, a UK military recruitment officer's notebook containing over 600,000 personally identifying, unencrypted records was stolen from his car. In 2007, the US military began clamping down on "milbloggers" who may have inadvertently been giving away too much information to the enemy by posting about day-to-day base operations on increasingly popular public blogs. Of course, there is also Gary McKinnon, who is responsible for the "biggest military hack of all time." While McKinnon wasn't exactly snooping for the bad guys, he did manage to break into various systems across the US Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA, Pentagon, and Department of Defense in search for proof that aliens exist.
Still, Ogle's situation is a bit bizarre in that no one knows how or why this sensitive information was stored on an iPod, or how that iPod slipped out to a used hardware vendor. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), some of the phone numbers from the iPod's records still work, and the identified individuals indeed picked up on the other end.
"The more I look at it, the more I see and the less I think I should be [seeing]," Mr Ogle told ABC. He says he will hand the iPod over to the US Defense Department should it ever ask.
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Obama's Iran Precondition: "Please Take My Call" as Islamic State Shoots Down Offer for Talks
True to his promise of engaging Iran in talks, President Obama's UN Ambassador said today that the US will engage in "vigorous" talks with the Islamic state. Of course Obama set a precondition, namely that Iran return his call.
The BBC reports that Susan Rice, UN Ambassador to the UN, said we can expect "direct diplomacy" with the nation swearing to use nukes to destroy Israel. Iran responded that any talks are "unacceptable." Maybe a scheduling conflict?
Maybe Obama has to learn the hard way the reasons why one has to have preconditions to talk with someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - to make them show good faith so they don;t pull a stunt just like this. One thing's for sure. The "new approach" won't work if no one answers the phone.
The new US envoy to the United Nations says Barack Obama's administration will make Iran's nuclear plans a diplomatic priority and pursue direct talks.
Susan Rice told reporters she looked forward to "vigorous diplomacy that includes direct diplomacy with Iran".
Under George W Bush, there were no direct US nuclear talks with Iran.
The UN has urged Tehran to halt uranium enrichment, amid fears it could be used for military purposes. Iran says its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.
In the run-up to his inauguration last week, Mr Obama promised a "new approach" in the dispute.
Last month he called for "tough but direct diplomacy", offering Iran economic incentives to end its nuclear programme or face tougher sanctions.
Iran dismissed the move as "unacceptable".
Ms Rice was speaking after presenting her credentials to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
Gosh, I really hope these guys can work it out.
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