Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Do We Really Know About Barack Obama?

Like a giant oil tanker with a breached hull, the SS Obama is leaving a film of sludge everywhere it goes. Starting with the phony birth certificate all the way up until the arrest of buddy Blago, his history has been one of secrets and obfuscation.

We don't know where he was born. Some say Hawaii. Others say Kenya. He refuses to release his birth certificate to clear this up.

We don't know who paid for his Ivy League schools. Percy Sutton, former borough president of Manhattan (NYC) says that he facilitated Obama's education by introducing him to Rashid Khalidi. Presumably Mr. Khalidi and his Saudi connections financed Obama's education.

We don't know what kind of passport he was on in Pakistan in 1981, when Americans weren't allowed there. How on earth does a 21 year old American end up in a Muslim country that doesn't allow ANY Americans in (remember this was the early 80's).

We don't know how involved Bill Ayers was, either with the launching of the messiah's political career or the writing of his books.

What we do know is that we are dealing with a hard line leftist who has the majority of the legislature behind him and an agenda that he hasn't even had to disclose yet, much less defend. This video is about the most open I have seen Obama with regards to his agenda. I'd like to be able to say with certainty that we have not elected the end of our republic. I'd like to laugh at it and call it all a silly conspiracy. Unfortunately, I can't.

Reno Gazette-Journal Interview

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