Monday, December 15, 2008

Emmanuel in the Middle: Blago's Ace in the Hole?

As reported here this weekend, the last 72 hours have been difficult for Mr. Emmannuel, with reports now coming that factions within the Obama camp are increasingly agitating for his resignation.

Rahm Emmanuel: "Barack and I only lied this much."

After reportedly being taped having detailed discussions with Blago's recently departed chief of staff, Emmanuel, along with Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich, has helped illustrate, to those of us who didn't know, what machine politics are all about. These conversations included specific guidance, ostensibly from Obama himself, as to what candidates he would like to have considered. Emmanuel named specific candidates, one of whom is reportedly Lisa Madigan, current Attorney General of Illinois.

The Obama camp's internal reaction has been swift, with Emmanuel being grilled on exactly what was said and certainly being asked to account for any and all documents related to this. Emmanuel has stopped showing up at either the office or press briefings.

One internal faction sees any focus on Emmanuel right now to be bad for Obama. if this investigation continues, some say, how will he be able to focus on promoting Obama's agenda. Others see him as a political rock star with his own agenda.

One thing is for certain. Emmanuel's style requires that he be coming from a position of power. That has been taken away from him now. It will be interesting to see how the rats scurry.

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