Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quiet in Chicago: Axelrod Works, Obama, Emmanuel Sweat

Chicago has gone quiet this weekend. Investigative journalists, having spent the last few months in Alaska and shadowing plumbers in Ohio, are finally starting to turn their attention to the newly elected president. As the Obammunist camp draws their wagons into a circle and become more defensive with a press that is showing signs of slowly waking up. Too late for the election but surely nonetheless, the public interest in the Blagojevich scandal and the (can I say it?) incredibly entertaining way in which Blago was going about his corruption, combined with his evident closeness with Obama, are combining with Obama's lies. This is threatening to crack the media firewall surrounding Obama's past. Yes, he DOES have one.

Reportedly Chief Obammunist and Politburo member David Axelrod is burning up the phone lines lining up support for the coming week. Everyone wants to see the tone of the talking-head shows tomorrow.

Obammunist Lieutenant and hit man Rahm Emmanuel is a potential target of the investigation himself. He had six conversations with Blago personally since the election. Conversations one and two are understandable. But if Obama wasn't playing ball on any level, then what were meeting 3,4,5,and 6 about?

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