Barney Frank’s at it again. Saying, “I don’t wanna wait ‘til Obama!” Mr. Frank is proposing new guidelines on the bailout money that will, in essence, have him making strategic decisions for some of the nation’s largest businesses.
We should have seen it coming. Apparently $750 Billion hasn't solved the problems caused by subprime mortgages. After causing a national panic, Frank and other lefties are saying that not enough of the bailout money has been used to keep delinquent mortgage holders. He may actually have a point on that. At a cost of approximately $3,000 for each man, woman, and child in America, the $15,000 it cost my family hardly seems worth it. Just today I’ve read several articles about the rapidly extending line of bailout beggars.
One question no one is asking is how the free-money-for-corporations plan impacts corporate profitability. We haven’t heard of any CEO’s engineering their profit projections into losses so as to qualify for bailout money, but can that be far behind? And doesn’t that threaten to have a negative pressure on our markets when companies without bailout funds have to compete with companies that have bailout funds?
Lucky for us, Barney Frank has the answers. The same man who told us not two years ago that Fannie Mae was healthy and questions about the world’s second largest scam (don’t forget Social Security) simply bigoted conservatives trying to keep people out of homes.
Now Barney Frank, who along with Chris Dodd, almost personally steered our national mortgage industry onto the shoals of subprime lending, is going to start managing the businesses of bailout recipients.
What gives a loon like Barney Frank the authority to do that? When the companies accepted federal money they accepted governmental activism in their business. When they cash the check they give loons like Barney Frank the reigns of power. Sadly, most of the people who could stop this insanity are standing in line waiting to kiss Barney Frank's
Through regulations and taxation, government has always had a seat at the corporate table. Now the bailout funds have given the government the loudest voice in the boardroom as well. The Evil Conservative thinks it very likely that the companies lining up for free money now may regret it later.
*** Don't miss The Great Global Warming Swindle hosted by The Evil Conservative. This movie is a MUST SEE about the lies of the enviro-fascist crowd.***
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