With still three weeks remaining until he actually starts his new job, all reports are that President-elect Barack Obama is having a rough time of it. Even his beloved media seems to be on the verge of asking the question that was previously the exclusive domain of racists and haters: Is Barack Obama prepared for this job?
Even under the best of circumstances, one imagines the job of the United States' Chief Executive to be a demanding one. There are terrorists and foreign governments, and the UN causing trouble, and a welfare state and the expectation of a national education policy (yeah that's working out great), the media asking questions and the other party working against you. One imagines all of this has to be squeezed in between the other things that we all have to do in our lives, like arguing with our wives, trying to avoid screwing up raising our kids, and getting our hair cut.
That being said, Obama has some pretty big problems and he hasn't even started yet. He has a major scandal on his hands with the sale of his Senate Club seat. Yeah, I know, he cleared himself of any wrongdoing. But people are going to start looking into that and, from it, one or two might actually start looking into other Chicago issues. Having his home owned by Tony Rezko's attorney comes to mind as at least a minor oversight on Obama's behalf.
The Palestinians have already started a war against Israel. Do they suspect that an Obama administration will reverse US policy and fail to support Israel as they defend themselves? Obama will be tested early on his commitment to our longstanding policies in the Middle East.
The economy is in meltdown mode. Some people see Obama as the solution. Others see him as one of the problems. He has deep links to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and is it just a coincidence that the market started its yearlong slide just about the time that Obama became the Democratic frontrunner late in '07?
Maybe all of this is why he has that twitch. And why he's reportedly getting testy with the press pool, ditching them yesterday in a breach of presidential protocol. There are also some reports that he's resumed smoking in private.
We'll have to wait to see how this all effects The Promised One and his ability to do his job. On January 20th, 2009 we'll bid goodbye to the easygoing and uncoached style of Presdient Bush. From all appearances the new style that will be ushered in will be edgier, smokier, and twitchier. I guess that's change.
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