Buried beneath the bloodstained rubble of the Taj Hotel in downtown Mumbai, almost lost in the acrid smoke that shrouds the city, is a disturbing mix of image and message from the world's most terrifying thug sickos. While the airwaves bombard us with the "strength" and "planning" and "execution" of this dastardly chaos, one gets the feeling that one is supposed to throw down one's arms and surrender. Just get it over with and move on. If ten of them can do this what can a billion of them do? As irresponsible and unprofessional as it may be, it seems that our media may have missed the point of this act of evil (No! Not OUR media??) and the subsequent lessons that we can learn and apply to save lives in the future.
What we know is that as few as 10 terrorists held a major city hostage for three days. What we know is that there is evidence that they were trained in Pakistan. What we know is that they weren't Jewish, or Irish Catholic, but Muslims. What we know is that we live in a world afraid to call evil by its name.
Doubtless that many of our citizens, misled by a year of fawning and unobstructive media coverage given our president-elect, are ignorant of his views on the Middle East, and his plans for US influence in the region. Just what are those views and how can we expect our policies to change in regards to the rapid increase of pressure in the region to establish a Palestinian state?
What we know is that President-elect Obama has been considerably to the left of President Bush on every foriegn policy issue put before him thus far. This is not a trend that has begun recently, but rather a pattern that stretches throughout his life, up to and including persistent rumors of Saudi financing for his Columbia undergraduate education. The source of these irresponsible rumors? Percy Sutton, former Borough President of Manhattan, lifelong Democrat, and the man who says he arranged it.
Now the Obama team is openly calling for a Palestinian state. To exist side by side with Israel. Just like Pakistan to India. Seriously.
Will the Obama administration continue our historical position in the Middle East or will it reward terror and thuggery? Will the Obama administration protect our interest in freedom in this perpetually troubled region or will he allow a terrorist minority state to again set up shop next to a democracy? If they do, will it work better this time?
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