Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rahmbo: From the Pan into the Fire, Will He Roll on Obama?

As reported here last week, there is speculation about how deeply involved Obammunist Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is. We all know he has had conversations with Hot Rod Blagojevich's office, but it isn't the previously reported six. It's as many as TWENTY-ONE conversations with Blago's staff between the election and Handcuff Day. That comes out to a conversation almost every business day! There should be no doubt now that Rahmbo is deeply involved in this.

This has completely put the lie to Obama's statements that there was no contact between his camp and Blago's. We know that he and Blago are close and appearance indicate Rahmbo's active involvement in this scam from the beginning. What are the odds that Obama didn't know what his Chief of Staff was up to?

The alternative theory that this investigation was prematurely ended to protect Obama and his minions is gaining steam as well. It seems the proof will be in the pudding. Will Rahmbo be officially questioned by the prosecution? How will Obama's lies be reconciled? Right now Rahmbo looks like the fall guy, but that could change if any of the Chicago crew starts singing.

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