The other corrupt politicians in Chicago are nervous tonight. The investigation into their statewide scam promises to widen, as embattled Governor and entertainment dynamo Hot Rod Blagojevich vowed to keep fleecing the people of Illinois today, until they drag him out in handcuffs. Oh wait, they already did that. This promises to drag out the news on this even more, exposing us to the mucho corrupto nature of Chicago politics.
In his trademark flamboyantly street tonality, he jabbed his finger at the camera and promised to "Fight, fight, fight." Citing the same voters that Illinois Dems refuse to let vote on a Senator, Blago defiantly said he would "honor" the voters' decision to put him in office. He never mentioned where he came across the word "honor" in Chicago.
With reports now that Rahm Emmanuel had personal talks with Blago himself, the question on many minds is where are these tidbits about the conversations coming from? Since every new bit of information is drawing Rahmbo deeper into the morass, it's a safe bet that the leaks aren't coming from him. There was only one other party to the conversations and guess what? He might have a reason or two to put some pressure on the incoming president.
So far Obama is looking like Teflon, with even some "conservatives" singing his praises in the media. That sucks for Rahmbo, who if he doesn't play his cards right will soon be a drag on the ascending president-messiah-pop star. That can't be a comfortable place to be, and the longer Blago is out there the more Emmanuel is in the middle.
Our best card to play right now is stand back and watch as the arrogance and self-interest of the Chicago pols tears themselves up.
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