Friday, December 19, 2008

Pelosi's Legacy of Corruption

You think Blago's the biggest crook in the Democrat party? Think again. With what pretty much amounts to a stranglehold on the House, the Senate Club, and now the Presidency the me-first, America-last Democrats are doing their thing.

Two years after Nancy Pelosi promised us the most ethical Congress in history, there are enough new felons in her own party to form a prison basketball team. And those are only the ones we know about. There are probably plenty of crooks to form a whole league.

And they are doing it bigger and better than ever with the not-so-subtle help of the mainstrem media. I guess it's way more important to comb through the records of Ohio plumbers than it is to verify a believeble timeline for the life of our next president.

So be it. Anyway, while the media is busy talking to librarians in Wasilla the rest of us are growing more and more sure that none of the 535 people whose job it is to steer our nation have even the slightest regard for our welfare.

Let's look at Pelosi's Democrat Honor Roll.

Charles Rangel - noted thief and Harlem poverty pimp who hid income from taxation, among other scandals

Alan Mollohan - WVa Democrat who skimmed $5.5 million or so in a nonprofit scheme

Jesse Jackson, Jr - Yeah, we know

Luis Gutierraez - Illinois Dem and alleged Real Estate scammer

Silvestre Reyes - A Texas Dem and reconquista ( he wants texas to go back to Mexico)

Chris Dodd - Deeeeeply involved in this financial catastrophe. One of the primary causes of it.

This list doesn't even mention Blago and the William Jefferson-$20k-in-the house scandals. I said earlier today that I thought Biden was the dumbest person in Washington. I have to stand by that, but if Biden were to go on ginko-biloba for a couple days, she'll be in trouble.

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