Saturday, December 20, 2008

NY Clerk: "Don't Forget Your $1Million!"

I'm a NYer. The Evil Conservative has lived here for more than 20 years and, despite the liberal politics, traffic, high taxes, and extremely high cost of living, every now and again I get a public reason to be proud of being one. Usually that happens when I'm traveling and someone starts to knock NY. That probably stirs the pride in anyone from anywhere. But as a NYer you get used to hearing about how awful your hometown is.

I'm referring to the Queens supermarket clerk who returned a discarded $1 million lottery ticket to a 92 year old grandmother. The clerk, Chris Connelly, 24, saw the discarded ticket was a big winner and he went and stopped the lady to tell her she had tossed a winner.

What I have learned from 20 years here is that good values and good people are all over places like NY. I see it all the time because I'm here. Like when I left my wallet at the Subway, or when I drove off without the change from a $100 after buying a McDonald's breakfast the other day. Or all the people who helped me out when I first came here. My favorite was the guy who found my wallet on Park Avenue and returned it to me (Yes, The Evil Conservative loses a lot of stuff. I keep my car keys on a lanyard around my neck). Anyway, I thought this was a cool story. A long time ago someone said the last decent person in NY should turn out the lights when they leave. It's nice to see the lights are still on.

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