Monday, December 15, 2008

Gore: Earth is a "5-alarm Fire"; Says Govt Needs More Control Now

Nobel laureate and noted international menace Al Gore is at it again, this time calling for more activist government faster. The AP is reporting that the world's most famous environmental exaggerator is working along with others in Washington to make sure that even more governmental control is ready to roll out in January.

From the AP article:

After years of inaction on global warming, 2009 might be different. Obama replaces a president who opposed mandatory cuts of greenhouse gas pollution and it appears he will have a willing Congress. Also, next year, diplomats will try to agree on a major new international treaty to curb the gases that promote global warming.

"We need to start in January making significant changes," Gore said in a recent telephone interview with The Associated Press. "This year coming up is the most important opportunity the world has ever had to make progress in really solving the climate crisis."

The article goes on to say how, despite 2008 being one of the coolest years on record,"Scientists are increasingly anxious, talking more often and more urgently about exceeding "tipping points.""

Gore called the situation "the equivalent of a five-alarm fire that has to be addressed immediately."

He was backed up by politicians scientists. "We're out of time," Stanford University biologist Terry Root said. "Things are going extinct."

Of course Mr. Root said this without pointing out any species that have, actually, gone extinct from climate change.

The consensus is that the government had better hurry up and curtail our liberties in the name of environmentalism or we might end up with a... a... WORLD ON FIRE. I am only slightly exaggerating here.

In the midst of an economic downturn... largely precipitated by government meddling in the markets... their answer is more government meddling in those same markets. Why do these overeducated and underlearned elitists fail to see the patterns? Because they want control. Seriously.

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