Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Warren: Hatemonger

The loony left is going bonkers over Obama's choice of Rick Warren to lead the invocation at his inauguration, and it's not just because his presence means one less ticket for an atheist minority homosexual union worker.

I've never given much thought to Rev. Warren's politics. I feel like he makes it a pretty big priority to come across as nonpartisan. Probably too big a priority in my opinion. He seems like a genuine enough person, though... and although I'm not nuts about him being there when the most pro-abortion president in history gets sworn in I'm not gonna blow a gasket over it.

The slobbering fruitcakes on the left, however, are positively apoplectic over Warren. I've been cruising some lefty blogs and to read them, you'd think Warren was in the far right wing. For what it's worth, that's over here by me and I haven't run into him yet.

Anyway, I didn't blow a gasket but our friends on the left sure did. One thing I had to notice was that these people just won an election a month ago and they are still PO'ed. Liberals see themselves as losers. No matter what they win they focus on the losses. It makes them relentless opponents, but it also makes them miserable people.

Maybe someone should tell the lefties that it's just all for show and that BHO will go right back to baby-killing and homosexual-supporting the second the party's over. Warren'll be lucky to stay on the Christmas card list after January 20th. Ahhh, let them stew... it's so fun watching them throw fits.

So read and be glad you don't know them!

"So many pro-choicers, gay activists, and progressive Christians worked their asses off to elect Obama, which makes Obama's decision to give Warren a platform at the inauguration a real f*ck-you." -- Feministing

"President-elect Obama chose eliminationist hate preacher Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama's Inaguration. With this choice, Obama sends three destructive messages. Number one: In Obama's America, equal rights and reproductive freedom aren't for everyone. Number two: President-elect Obama likes sharing the national stage with hate. Number three: While Obama enjoys his equality before the law, LGBT Americans can go to Hell. Literally. Gee. Is this change we can believe in?" -- Firedoglake

"I've been willing to swallow a lot of distaste for some of Obama's choices in the transition phase, but this is really going too far. The Inauguration Committee just announced that Rick Warren, charlatan pastor of Saddleback Church, who lied his face off about the so-called cone of silence during the presidential debate he hosted, is going to deliver the invocation.

...I've left aside that they shouldn't really even have a religious invocation at the inaugural because it's become a tradition now. But my friend Capt. Fogg left an excellent comment that I urge to read in full. The main point being, "Religious rituals have no place at all in government. It's the law. Belief in God or gods is not part of public policy: that's the law, and if no religious test may be imposed for office, which is the law, why then are we asking a president to demonstrate his private religiosity in public, as part of his inauguration?" -- The Impolitic

"Shrewd politics, but if anyone is under any illusion that Obama is interested in advancing gay equality, they should probably sober up now. He won't be as bad as the Clintons (who, among leading Democrats, could?), but pandering to Christianists at his inauguration is a depressing omen." -- Andrew Sullivan

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