Saturday, December 27, 2008

Blagojevich: "If That's Impeachable, I'm on the Wrong Planet"

From the Thugs-Say-the-Darndest-Things File:

President elect Barack Obama did not get what he really wanted for Christmas, which was for Illinois Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich and the entire messy scandal surrounding Obama's former Senate Club seat to just go away.

Hot Rod made himself available for some extemporaneous comments to a reporter from WLS-TV in Chicago outside a law office. His off-the-cuff comments are sure to give both his attorney and the Obama staff some heartburn.

"Look, if I'd have known people were listening, I probably wouldn't have said some of the things you say in private conversations," Blagojevich said Friday. "But I think there's probably tens of millions of people across America that talk like that from time to time."

"Even in this process, without saying too much, that was all about trying to end up with the right decision that could do the most things for the people of Illinois, and when the full truth is told, you will see precisely that," Blagojevich said.

"If somehow that's impeachable, then I'm on the wrong planet and I'm living in the wrong place," he said.

Of course, with Blago claiming to be on the wrong planet, it could present an opportunity to our incoming president. First sitting Governor in space, anyone?

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