Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama: Damage Control O-Bungle

With the Blagojevich scandal continuing to spin wildly in Chicago. Obama watchers are saying that if the handling of Blago-gate is any indication, we can expect more gaffes and ineptitude. It seems the inexperience of Obama is showing through. Will the media wall around him be breached? Will the truth about sweetheart deals and graft at the expense of the poorest of his constituents see the light of day?

Obama's initial gut reaction when asked about Blagojevich was to lie. When first asked about the matter, he categorically denied any involvement. He made it sound like he barely knew who Blago was, much less a close political ally. Other than the obvious implausibility of that position, we now know that Obammunist Lieutenant Rahmbo Emmanuel had no less than six conversations with Blago's COS after the election. It would be very surprising indeed if the president-elect had no idea with whom his Chief of Staff was meeting.

Now he has a much bigger problem. Either Rahmbo was waaay out of line or Obama lied to us. Get ready to hear about how Rahmbo went Rambo. It's beginning to look as if Obama's only move is going to be to pin the tall tale on Rahmbo.

With observers like Karl Rove noting the amateurish and unproductive handling of this, is there a chance that we'll see some investigative reporting worthy of the name? Right now the media is lamenting that the Blago mess has been a distraction to "the most successful transition in history."

We know nothing about Obama. What we do know is who he associates with. Academically he associates with Bill Ayers. Spiritually he consorts with the likes of Jeremiah Wright. Of all the businessmen in Chicago he got in bed with Tony Rezko. Is it any surprise that in politics he would choose to associate with Hot Rod Blagojevich. The change team is on the way. As soon as they check with their parole officers.

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