Sunday, December 14, 2008

From Fixer to Fall Guy: Does the Blagojevich Investigation Threaten Israel?

It's looking more and more like Rahm Emmanuel may be the next shoe to drop in the ongoing Blagojevich investigation. The Chief of Staff of the "most transparent administration in American history" is holed up somewhere in Chicago and we still have more than a month before the inauguration. It's an inauspicious start, to say the least.

There is a rising concern that the besieged Emmanuel may see his job description go from fixer to fall guy. For those of us on the right, that's a worry.

Emmanuel has, for all of his abrasive and socialist domestic politics, has been a staunch supporter of Israel. In the administration of the first president to have his education arranged by Rashid Khalidi, he is nearly an anomaly. If Emmanuel goes down, who will stand up for Israel on Obama's staff? It won't be NSA advisor Gen Jim Jones, that's for sure.

In any case, the fixer is in a fix.

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