Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blagojevich: A Threat to Obama?

As we get to know more about Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich, it's becoming more and more obvious just how breathtakingly bizarre Chicago politics are. If one look at Blago wasn't enough to tell you he's a thug, the tapes of his conversations that have been released so far have left no doubt in most people's minds. What is being revealed is an arrogant, self-interested, and, yes, entertaining profile of a Chicago machine politician.

Despite all of the negatives, we have to remember the trouble that Blago is causing for the nascent Obama administration. Maybe that's the reason I'm finding it hard not to like the guy. His incredibly flagrant behavior wasn't just great entertainment, it's also shining the light on Obama's Chicago politics.

Right now the Illinois legislature is working overtime to put a lid on this and get Blago out of the limelight. Democrats are coming after him hard, as they are seeing the window for a special election begin to open. Democrats don't like that idea much. With all the slime that has been oozing out of the national cesspool we call Chicago politics, an election could result in a Republican win.

Blago: He's causing big trouble for Obama right now. You gotta give him some love for that.

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