Saturday, December 20, 2008

Terrorists Out of Touch: Undersea Cable Kills Internet for Middle East

Terrorism has been dragged into the economic slowdown. News today is that internet service is down throughout much of the Middle East and India , slowing business and leaving edgy terrorists with no way to communicate effectively. Interoute and The Times Online blog are reporting that as much as 75% of internet traffic between North America and Africa/Middle East has been affected.

The first concern was that business between the continents would be affected. Interoute is reporting that the problems, first noticed "hearing that offices have lost their entire private network connectivity. As a result, users are unable to do their daily job over the internet and are turning to their mobile phones to communicate across the globe. This is having a knock on effect on the domestic voice networks, which are getting a surge of calls needing to be routed internationally. These calls need to be routed onto international gateways that pass voice traffic in longer directions around the world to avoid the cable breaks – causing more quality issues and risk more call failures, in turn causing more calls to be placed and increasing the pressure on local voice networks. "

How Terrorism, Inc. will respond to this is unclear, as CEOs Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Osama Bin Laden were unavailable for comment. Early indications are that they have had to go low-tech, with security forces in Gaza and Iraq reporting a surge in Dixie cup and string sales.

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