Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Surprise! Harvard to Merge Business School with Kennedy School of Government

When some of Harvard's graduate students return for the spring semester, they're going to find a few changes. In a surprise holiday press release, Harvard announced plans to merge Harvard's renowned School of Business with the equally prestigious Kennedy School of Government. Tentatively the newly merged school will be named the Ted Kennedy School of Cronyism.

Standing under a banner featuring the newly created school's namesake, Harvard's leadership proudly displayed their new slogan, promising "A Bridge to Everywhere," continuing a disturbing new trend of associating bridges with Kennedys.

"We've decided to do this as a proactive step. It seems that more and more there isn't really any difference between the two entities in the real world," said the release. "Increasingly in real-life situations, we are seeing that successful corporations have to productively interface with their Washington colleagues."

While the details are still being worked out, one thing is clear. The Government side will take precedence over the Business School operations. "We're totally comfortable with that," said one unnamed business professor. "Just like in the real world, we're going to let the government side call all the shots. We're just along for the ride."

Gone will be the classes on labor-burden costing and profit spreadsheets, instead replaced by new classes on union negotiation and how to calculate your carbon footprint. "We're less interested in our cash burn rate, and a lot more interested in our carbon burn rate."

Another interesting addition to the class offerings is one that prepares students for some of the unique challenges of today's economy. Called "CEO 101", the class consists of one Government Student and one Business student teaming up. The two are given a limousine in which to ride around Boston while they mug middle class people. The object is to liberate cash from the working class that they don't even have. One pilot program reportedly demonstrated that by taking trinkets and jewelry, the students could increase returns by 2-300 percent over the simple cash the <strike>victims</strike> participants had.

A few critics have wondered whether the move is a sign of deep cynicism at Harvard, as they are finding the graduates of the two schools often competing for the same jobs, but none of them were willing to go on the record for fear of being labeled "haters."

"We want to prepare our students for the real world. We have to stop pretending there's a free market out there. It's all government now. They can't live their lives in a pretend universe anymore."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Evil Conservative Radio at 11PM EDT

Don't miss this week's edition of Evil Conservative Radio. This week's highlighted topics include- Have the massive bailouts morally bankrupted America? Is political correctness the suicide of the West? And what the %$#& is going on in Gaza? Who are the main players there and how is this going to shake out. Co-host Chris from Islam in Action is going to bring us up to speed on the latest news on crazy Islamists. Call the show at (347) 215-6246! You can listen just by clicking the link on the right or by following THIS LINK

Monday, December 29, 2008

Evil Conservative on BlogCritics: The Moral Hazard of Bailouts

The Evil Conservative has been published in BlogCritics. If you don't know the site, they have some interesting articles from a broad cross-section of writers. You can link to my article here at:

The Moral Hazard of Bailouts

The left sees economic trouble as an opportunity to impose their will on us. We should be wary of the moral hazard this poses...

Failure Stampede: Minnesotans Reorganize Businesses for Obammunism

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune is reporting the next planned fill-up of the corporate welfare trough has Minnesota's former capitalist class swarming for their freebies.

Particularly excited are builders and municipal officials throughout the state, who have already been singled out as primary beneficiaries of Obama's Big Giveaway, the sequel to Bush's Bail-in, which put us on the line for $750 Billion.

Obama's Big Giveaway will be the next step in world history's largest single transfer of wealth, as every single American citizen will donate approximately $7,000 to selected businesses. So a family of four will have made a completely involuntary donation of approximately $28,000.

I have looked for the protests, but I don't see any. I've listened for a real outcry from conservatives, but the most one is likely to hear is a discontented grumble as the government steals our nation's wealth to support businesses that are failing. To subsidize and reward the same behavior that caused the bankruptcy.

What these companies need to do is reorganize and reduce their fixed expenses, so that they can compete and be profitable with lower sales. This is why the bankruptcy laws were written.

Instead, these companies will make only the changes that will please their new Washington masters, while ignoring what the market would reward. Nonetheless, many are excited about engineering their businesses for failure, and the inevitable rain of money that will bring.

"Minnesota contractors and our trained, skilled workforce are ready to build," said Dave Semerad, head of the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, which projects as many as 21,000 new jobs in the state, depending on the size of the stimulus deal. "Now is the time to get going and build our infrastructure. There is absolutely no benefit to waiting."

Builders aren't the only ones looking for a piece of the action. States, cities and nonprofit groups are looking for help, along with a host of industries suffering from the sharpest business slowdown in decades.

Minnesota mayors are looking for more than $805 million for roads, schools, libraries and other development projects, and state officials have identified about 200 transportation projects worth $950 million, with the potential for 23,365 new jobs."

Great. That's more than likely 23,365 new jobs that aren't needed and that can't support themselves without even more government money. What will be the result of all these former capitalists reorganizing themselves to qualify for freebies that are given out on the basis of need?

We are witnessing the theft of a great nation's future. A true national suicide. And lots of people are excited about it.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Obama: An Edgier, Smokier, and…. Twitchier Executive

With still three weeks remaining until he actually starts his new job, all reports are that President-elect Barack Obama is having a rough time of it. Even his beloved media seems to be on the verge of asking the question that was previously the exclusive domain of racists and haters: Is Barack Obama prepared for this job?

Even under the best of circumstances, one imagines the job of the United States' Chief Executive to be a demanding one. There are terrorists and foreign governments, and the UN causing trouble, and a welfare state and the expectation of a national education policy (yeah that's working out great), the media asking questions and the other party working against you. One imagines all of this has to be squeezed in between the other things that we all have to do in our lives, like arguing with our wives, trying to avoid screwing up raising our kids, and getting our hair cut.

That being said, Obama has some pretty big problems and he hasn't even started yet. He has a major scandal on his hands with the sale of his Senate Club seat. Yeah, I know, he cleared himself of any wrongdoing. But people are going to start looking into that and, from it, one or two might actually start looking into other Chicago issues. Having his home owned by Tony Rezko's attorney comes to mind as at least a minor oversight on Obama's behalf.

The Palestinians have already started a war against Israel. Do they suspect that an Obama administration will reverse US policy and fail to support Israel as they defend themselves? Obama will be tested early on his commitment to our longstanding policies in the Middle East.

The economy is in meltdown mode. Some people see Obama as the solution. Others see him as one of the problems. He has deep links to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and is it just a coincidence that the market started its yearlong slide just about the time that Obama became the Democratic frontrunner late in '07?

Maybe all of this is why he has that twitch. And why he's reportedly getting testy with the press pool, ditching them yesterday in a breach of presidential protocol. There are also some reports that he's resumed smoking in private.

We'll have to wait to see how this all effects The Promised One and his ability to do his job. On January 20th, 2009 we'll bid goodbye to the easygoing and uncoached style of Presdient Bush. From all appearances the new style that will be ushered in will be edgier, smokier, and twitchier. I guess that's change.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Obama and Israel: A Mixed Message

Sooner or later “present” isn’t going to be an option anymore. As our president-elect and his entourage recover from a power outage, there are signs of a growing conflagration in the Middle East. Will Obama break with 60 years of US foreign policy or will he continue our longstanding support of Israel?

Administrative appointments and nominees thus far have been a mixed bag. Rahm Emmanuel, a strong supporter of Israel, has been named as Chief of Staff. At the same time, Gen. Jim Jones, an outspoken critic of our Israel policy, has been named Obama’s National Security Advisor.

On the one hand, Emmanuel has been criticized roundly for his participation in the Oslo accords, which has arguably been one of the causes of the current conflict, while on the other, Jones has always been anti-Israel. Jones’ latest plan would consist of Israeli settlers living under a foreign occupation force, i.e. NATO.

Will the influence of Rashid Khalidi and Bill Ayers win out? Will a rumored Saudi-paid education and a Muslim background weigh on our foreign policy? Lots of us want to know.

The way things are progressing, it’s going to be very interesting to see where the Obama administration comes down on such basic issues as Israel defending itself against pervasive threats such as rockets from Gaza. One presumes that when the lights come on in Hawaii we may finally know more.

Israel to Hamas: We Will Fight

After more than a week of intermittent rocket attacks by Hamas into Israel, the Middle East’s only democratic nation responded today. More than 200 Palestinians were reported dead after airstrikes from Israeli planes that were aimed at taking out the Hamas-protected leaders of the violence damaged Palestinian homes and property in the terrorist stronghold of Gaza.

Predictably the MSM, and many world leaders, ignore the rockets fired by Hamas, while focusing on Israel’s response. A spokesman for Javier Solana, EU Foreign Policy Chief, said, "We are very concerned at the events in Gaza. We call for an immediate ceasefire and urge everybody to exert maximum restraint."

The Syrian Foreign Ministry called on a unified Arab response, saying, “Syria is following with great anxiety the barbaric Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza... a horrific crime and terrorist act. "Syria calls on the Arab nation and the international community to use all possible means to put pressure on Israel to immediately stop the aggression, allow the wounded to enter hospital and open all crossing points [to Gaza]. "Syria as president of the Arab League calls on Arab leaders to hold an emergency summit to assess the dangerous situation in Gaza."

And of course we can always rely on a responsible statement from Iran, whose foreign ministry said, “Iran strongly condemns the Zionist regime's wide-ranging attacks against the civilians in Gaza.

"The raids against innocent people are unforgiveable and unacceptable."

For our part, the Bush Administration is standing by Israel and its right to defend itself, "Hamas' continued rocket attacks into Israel must cease if the violence is to stop. Hamas must end its terrorist activities if it wishes to play a role in the future of the Palestinian people.”

It remains to be seen how this will shake out, but it seems pretty clear that there was a message sent not just to Hamas, but to the world at large in general and the nascent Obama administration in particular. Israel will defend itself. Israel will fight.

Blagojevich: "If That's Impeachable, I'm on the Wrong Planet"

From the Thugs-Say-the-Darndest-Things File:

President elect Barack Obama did not get what he really wanted for Christmas, which was for Illinois Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich and the entire messy scandal surrounding Obama's former Senate Club seat to just go away.

Hot Rod made himself available for some extemporaneous comments to a reporter from WLS-TV in Chicago outside a law office. His off-the-cuff comments are sure to give both his attorney and the Obama staff some heartburn.

"Look, if I'd have known people were listening, I probably wouldn't have said some of the things you say in private conversations," Blagojevich said Friday. "But I think there's probably tens of millions of people across America that talk like that from time to time."

"Even in this process, without saying too much, that was all about trying to end up with the right decision that could do the most things for the people of Illinois, and when the full truth is told, you will see precisely that," Blagojevich said.

"If somehow that's impeachable, then I'm on the wrong planet and I'm living in the wrong place," he said.

Of course, with Blago claiming to be on the wrong planet, it could present an opportunity to our incoming president. First sitting Governor in space, anyone?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cover-up Chicago Style: Small Fire Breaks Out in Jackson Home

CBS-2 in Chicago reported a Christmas Eve fire broke out at Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s home in Chicago.

At 12:15 a.m. Chicago Fire Department's truck 49, Engine 126 and Battalion Chief 17 responded to a fire in the 2500 block of East 72nd Street. I guess it's hard to keep some stuff quiet.

There were no reports of Representative Jackson seen standing by with a can of kerosene in his hand.

Likewise there were no reports of Obama, Blagojevich, Emmanuel, Jarret, or any of the Chicago thug crowd saying, "Good thing that got taken care of." But we can assume one or more of them did.

As one person commented, "You can subpoena what you want. You ain't finding nothing."

Thankfully, no one was injured in the "surprise" blaze.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa Delivers Coal to Obama, Dems

In a late-breaking story, reports from Hawaii and Washington are that President-elect Barack Obama and many Democrats are waking up this morning to lumps of coal left in their stockings by Saint Nick. A handwritten note saying, “Drill Here. Drill Now” has frequently been attached. The coal, historically seen as symbolic of being on “the naughty list,” has both pundits and politicians in a stir, as none of them can recall Obama ever doing anything that would qualify as “naughty.”

The mainstream media has been investigating this with their typical tenacity. The Washington Post declared, “Santa Errs!” and the New York Times suggested that racism played a part, issuing a photograph of Santa Claus allegedly at a Ku Klux Klan meeting circa 1966. The photograph was later proven to be photoshopped and one of the Klansmen was later identified as West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. An editorial in the LA Times denounced the “senseless scrawlings” of an “old bigot” like Santa.

Vice-President elect Joe Biden’s office said he was unavailable for comment as he is spending this week with his family celebrating Easter. Noticing reporters’ consternation, his spokesperson added,” He’s very happy right now. Let’s not confuse him," and, "This is why we don't usually tell you where he is.”

Some other Democrats are saying they aren’t surprised. "I’ve gotten coal every year since 1958,” said Massachusets Congressman Barney Frank. “Santa sometimes leaves something other than coal?” asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Maxine Waters was quoted as saying, "Don't surprise me at all. He a crazy man that Santa. Always Ho this and Ho that. I always knew there was somethin' wrong 'bout that man."

Conservative bloggers are suggesting that the coal is a sign that the country needs to move towards energy independence. Republican lawmakers aren’t so sure. “We’d be playing vicious partisan politics to read too much into this right now,” said GOP albatross Senator John McCain. “Now is not the time to be extreme. What’s important right now is working together, reaching across the aisle to unify around making this Santa character look like a jackass.”

Liberal bloggers had yet another take on the events, suggesting that the Bush/Cheney axis was to blame. “Bush P*sses Off Santa,” said the Huffington Post. “Cheney Shoots Santa,” said one headline at The Daily Kos. Another said, "Santa refuses Service Over Bush Agenda." Buzzflash simply claimed, "Santa is Dead."

A spokesman for Santa declined comment, saying only, ”The message seems pretty clear.”

*** Merry Christmas to all the evil conservatives out there! ***

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Evil Conservative on BlogTalk Radio

The first edition of Evil Conservative Radio on BlogTalkRadio is in the can. We had some technical difficulties in the first minute, but things went pretty smoothly from there. My co-host Chris from Islam in Action Blog and I discussed the craziness in Seattle with the envirofascists and the similarities in how both enviro-fascists and islamofascists use the same tactics in their political manipulations. We also talked about Muslims that were offended by a fast food toy in Minnesota.

We'll be airing every Tuesday and Thursday night at 11 pm EDT. Except Christmas and New Year's. So catch us next Tuesday night at 11. In the meantime the podcast is available here.

Barney Frank: National Menace

Barney Frank’s at it again. Saying, “I don’t wanna wait ‘til Obama!” Mr. Frank is proposing new guidelines on the bailout money that will, in essence, have him making strategic decisions for some of the nation’s largest businesses.

We should have seen it coming. Apparently $750 Billion hasn't solved the problems caused by subprime mortgages. After causing a national panic, Frank and other lefties are saying that not enough of the bailout money has been used to keep delinquent mortgage holders. He may actually have a point on that. At a cost of approximately $3,000 for each man, woman, and child in America, the $15,000 it cost my family hardly seems worth it. Just today I’ve read several articles about the rapidly extending line of bailout beggars.

One question no one is asking is how the free-money-for-corporations plan impacts corporate profitability. We haven’t heard of any CEO’s engineering their profit projections into losses so as to qualify for bailout money, but can that be far behind? And doesn’t that threaten to have a negative pressure on our markets when companies without bailout funds have to compete with companies that have bailout funds?

Lucky for us, Barney Frank has the answers. The same man who told us not two years ago that Fannie Mae was healthy and questions about the world’s second largest scam (don’t forget Social Security) simply bigoted conservatives trying to keep people out of homes.

Now Barney Frank, who along with Chris Dodd, almost personally steered our national mortgage industry onto the shoals of subprime lending, is going to start managing the businesses of bailout recipients.

What gives a loon like Barney Frank the authority to do that? When the companies accepted federal money they accepted governmental activism in their business. When they cash the check they give loons like Barney Frank the reigns of power. Sadly, most of the people who could stop this insanity are standing in line waiting to kiss Barney Frank's butt ring and cash their checks.

Through regulations and taxation, government has always had a seat at the corporate table. Now the bailout funds have given the government the loudest voice in the boardroom as well. The Evil Conservative thinks it very likely that the companies lining up for free money now may regret it later.

*** Don't miss The Great Global Warming Swindle hosted by The Evil Conservative. This movie is a MUST SEE about the lies of the enviro-fascist crowd.***

Monday, December 22, 2008

Obama: Christmas "Too Big to Fail"

Christmas is dead. That's the concern about what will happen without tighter federal controls on the much-celebrated holiday. Saying, "Christmas is too big to fail," President-elect Barack Obama today unveiled a new strategy to save Christmas from the economic downturn. The bold move to save the Christian holiday has Obama staff ebullient. “This is what I was talking about when I said I wanted to change the world,” said one senior Obama aide. The bold plan is as stunning in its simplicity as in its intrepidity.

As outlined to the Evil Conservative, the plan will consist of three key elements:

1) We give all our toys to Obama. Anyone not turning in their presents will be shot. Don't worry. He has a plan.

2) Obama will have the presents distributed personally. VP-elect Joe Biden has been tapped for this duty. His office will be setting appointments for Biden to personally see every child in America, provided that no one in the family is in the media. Presumably Biden’s comments will be limited to discussions about Santa Claus.

3) In order to accommodate this, Christmas will be held on a floating date at some point during the year.

Some suck-ups conservative pundits were also pleased by the plan. “Frankly it was a tossup as to whether to save Christmas or Ramadan. The Big O went with Christmas. I think that shows you where his heart is,” said Peggy Noonan. ‘It’s far more presidential than anything Sarah Palin would have done,” said Charles Krauthammer. Neither expressed any concern for those who may be shot.

Chief Republicans were disorganized in their response. "Why wouldn't someone give up their presents?" asked former presidential candidate John McCain. "They'd be shot. It's a non-issue and this Christmas problem has to be solved now and I just hope everyone knows how much I respect him."

The New York Times was effervescent in its praise, with headlines proclaiming Obama as Santa. Then later just Saint Obama. “Christmas for Everyone, ” their headlines screamed. There was some minor controversy over whether or not to depict Obama in a Santa cap, and whether that might be too cartoonish and unpresidential. It was finally decided to simply depict him in a halo and capitalize pronouns referring to Obama.

It remains to be seen how this will all shake out, but for now Democrats are excited. As one aide said, “Now everyone will have a great Christmas. Maybe not on Christmas Day exactly, but still really nice. It also gives Biden something to do. Imagine the excitement of Joe Biden showing up at your door with a bagful of goodies. Besides, let me show you a really cool trick,” he said. “Blink.” So I blinked. “Know what you just missed?” I shook my head. He smiled wide, “We just spent another billion dollars.” Laughing madly, my Obama contact snuffed out his medical marijuana cigarette, hopped on his bicycle and pedaled away.

*** Don't miss The Great Global Warming Swindle hosted by The Evil Conservative. This movie is a MUST SEE about the lies of the enviro-fascist crowd.***

Archbishop: Economic Fixes Hitlerian

At least one person is noticing. The highest ranking cleric in the Church of England has made some insightful remarks about where the frightening pace and scope of our current bailout binge is going to lead us.

Capitalism requires capital. Banks loan capital that they've borrowed themselves to people who create jobs and drive industry. The beauty of capitalism is the result of the competition and innovation that fosters. What happens to capitalism when the capital is all controlled by the government?

Archbishop warns of dangers of economic dogma

10 hours ago

LONDON (AFP) — Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams warned Monday that governments should not pursue dogmatic solutions to the financial crisis at the risk of the most vulnerable, saying that is what the Nazis did.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, he said Hitler's movement was based on a system of principles that "worked quite consistently once you accepted that quite a lot of people that you might have thought mattered as human beings actually didn't".

Williams, the most senior cleric in the Church of England, said that in the current climate, "what looked like a principled defence of some of our economic assumptions... seems more ragged and vulnerable than it once did".

He questioned the human costs of measures to tackle the downturn.

"What about the unique concerns and crises of the pensioner whose savings have disappeared, the Woolworth's (bankrupt store) employee, the hopeful young executive, let alone the helpless producer of goods in some Third-world environment where prices are determined thousands of miles away?" he asked.

Williams added: "How we all work is vastly complicated -- no one is pretending it isn't. But without these anxieties about the specific costs, we've lost the essential moral compass."

We're giving total control to people who have no idea what they're doing. Look at Hank Paulson. He's on plan number 3 or 4 now. With all that TARP taxpayer money burning a hole in his pocket and needy greedy friends who want it, every TARP dollar spent is a dollar that's being redirected from a small business that needs into some politically connected failed business.

You can bet that once Paulson's inability to provide for the nation's economic well-being (his ACTUAL job description!) has been made fully evident to the elitists, that someone else will be promoted to do it. Of course we're going to pay dearly for giving all this control to the government. The question is can anyone stop the momentum of this quantum shift in our economics before the Archbishop's worries become a pressing concern?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Great Global Warming Swindle

As fun as it is to listen to Al Gore make wildly hyperbolic predictions of doom and gloom on Earth, the terrifying reality is that it's no joke. Especially to the tree-hugging, patchouli-wearing, Grateful Dead-listening, bicycle-riding goofballs who've made Environmentalism the new Scientology.

I'm not the first person to notice that environmentalists are like watermelons. Green on the outside and red on the inside. The lunatic left wants to use environmentalism as the leverage to control literally everything. If it hurts the environment they can regulate it!

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a serious documentary that takes a critical look at some of the loony claims made by Environmentalists. The Evil Conservative got tired of picking through youtube clips, so you can access the whole movie here.

Chicago Sludge Pit: Emmanuel to Resign?

Speculation in the mainstream media has begun on whether Rahm Emmanuel’s tenure as Obama’s Chief of Staff will survive the holidays, much less until the inauguration. With the Blagojevich investigation on the front page of every newspaper in America, more and more is being leaked out about the extent and involvement of the former Clinton dirty tricks specialist. And it’s starting to look like the Obama campaign is distancing itself from Emmanuel as fast as it can. The MSM is now openly wondering how long it will be before Obama cuts loose Emmanuel.
Within the last 24 hours I have seem speculation on Rahmbo’s possible resignation in the AP, on Yahoo News, The McLaughlin Group and more than one left wing blog I peruse as a substitute for exercise (they raise my heartrate).
Emmanuel is of no use to the nascent administration like this. Presumably the Obama plan to bankrupt our economy and control ever more picayune aspects of our lives will require total concentration. Emmanuel is the Invisible Man now, absent from press conferences and not exerting any influence in the headquarters. The Obamatons won’t let this go on forever before someone makes a move. Who is giving Obama close counsel on a daily basis now? It sure isn’t Rahmbo.
Another problem for Rahmbo is leaks. Not that they exist, but rather their source. Earlier in the week the leaks were that Emmanuel had met with Blago’s people, then that there were 21 meetings, then that they met personally. Obviously all from Blago.
Here is the latest leak I heard from AP:
“Emanuel did contact the governor's office about the appointment, and left Blagojevich with the impression that he was pushing Valerie Jarrett, a close Obama friend, so he wouldn't have to compete with her in the White House for Obama's attention, said a person close to Blagojevich. The person requested anonymity because the person was not authorized to talk about the governor's discussions regarding the vacancy.”
See what I mean? The obvious attempt to connect inside information on the Obama offices to Blago has my eyebrows raised. That leak has the feel of an Obama-side source.
Of course Obama may be standing by his man, but his history indicates that if he senses Emmanuel as a liability Emmanuel will be back in Congress as his point man in a face saving move to keep the taint of this corruption from sliming The One.
The Evil Conservative says we should stick a fork in Emmanuel. He's done.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

NY Clerk: "Don't Forget Your $1Million!"

I'm a NYer. The Evil Conservative has lived here for more than 20 years and, despite the liberal politics, traffic, high taxes, and extremely high cost of living, every now and again I get a public reason to be proud of being one. Usually that happens when I'm traveling and someone starts to knock NY. That probably stirs the pride in anyone from anywhere. But as a NYer you get used to hearing about how awful your hometown is.

I'm referring to the Queens supermarket clerk who returned a discarded $1 million lottery ticket to a 92 year old grandmother. The clerk, Chris Connelly, 24, saw the discarded ticket was a big winner and he went and stopped the lady to tell her she had tossed a winner.

What I have learned from 20 years here is that good values and good people are all over places like NY. I see it all the time because I'm here. Like when I left my wallet at the Subway, or when I drove off without the change from a $100 after buying a McDonald's breakfast the other day. Or all the people who helped me out when I first came here. My favorite was the guy who found my wallet on Park Avenue and returned it to me (Yes, The Evil Conservative loses a lot of stuff. I keep my car keys on a lanyard around my neck). Anyway, I thought this was a cool story. A long time ago someone said the last decent person in NY should turn out the lights when they leave. It's nice to see the lights are still on.

Environmentalism's Original Sin

Environmentalists want us to reduce our carbon footprints to zero. They say this is crucial to ensure the survivability of the Earth. A lot of us hear that and think, “No carbon footprint? Why, that would throw us back to the 1800’s!”

It turns out that isn’t entirely accurate. If they want us to eliminate our carbon footprint we’ll need to go back to at least the Bronze Age, according to a team of religious fanatics researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

These idiots dedicated researchers looked for the precise point in time when humans began messing up the utopia that Chance had provided for us. They looked long before the internal combustion engine. Ages prior to the advent of the modern military-industrial complex. Even thousands of years before the industrial revolution. What they probably made up entirely found was that human beings started crapping up the world about the same time we started feeding ourselves. Presumably their data wouldn’t support pinning the blame on productivity, so they did the next best thing. Blame all of mankind.

In an apparent endorsement of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, the report says:

“Using powerful SUPERcomputers and ADVANCED climate models, the researchers concluded that methane and carbon dioxide - the building blocks of global warming - began rising with the introduction of rice cultivation and large-scale tree removal.”

Well there you have it. I wonder if they used the same model that predicted rain for me yesterday. They need to fine tune that one. I’m still digging out of the snow. The article goes on:

"I think that the take-home message is that this hypothesis shows that climates are extremely sensitive to small variations in greenhouse gases," said Steve Vavrus, a climatologist at UW's Center for Climatic Research, on his way to San Francisco to preach to the choir.

Could fascist government controls on Moses and his contemporaries have averted this disaster? Was that where we all went wrong?

I just wonder what time period the environmentalists of Moses’ day would have wanted to force him back to?

Terrorists Out of Touch: Undersea Cable Kills Internet for Middle East

Terrorism has been dragged into the economic slowdown. News today is that internet service is down throughout much of the Middle East and India , slowing business and leaving edgy terrorists with no way to communicate effectively. Interoute and The Times Online blog are reporting that as much as 75% of internet traffic between North America and Africa/Middle East has been affected.

The first concern was that business between the continents would be affected. Interoute is reporting that the problems, first noticed "hearing that offices have lost their entire private network connectivity. As a result, users are unable to do their daily job over the internet and are turning to their mobile phones to communicate across the globe. This is having a knock on effect on the domestic voice networks, which are getting a surge of calls needing to be routed internationally. These calls need to be routed onto international gateways that pass voice traffic in longer directions around the world to avoid the cable breaks – causing more quality issues and risk more call failures, in turn causing more calls to be placed and increasing the pressure on local voice networks. "

How Terrorism, Inc. will respond to this is unclear, as CEOs Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Osama Bin Laden were unavailable for comment. Early indications are that they have had to go low-tech, with security forces in Gaza and Iraq reporting a surge in Dixie cup and string sales.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Pelosi's Legacy of Corruption

You think Blago's the biggest crook in the Democrat party? Think again. With what pretty much amounts to a stranglehold on the House, the Senate Club, and now the Presidency the me-first, America-last Democrats are doing their thing.

Two years after Nancy Pelosi promised us the most ethical Congress in history, there are enough new felons in her own party to form a prison basketball team. And those are only the ones we know about. There are probably plenty of crooks to form a whole league.

And they are doing it bigger and better than ever with the not-so-subtle help of the mainstrem media. I guess it's way more important to comb through the records of Ohio plumbers than it is to verify a believeble timeline for the life of our next president.

So be it. Anyway, while the media is busy talking to librarians in Wasilla the rest of us are growing more and more sure that none of the 535 people whose job it is to steer our nation have even the slightest regard for our welfare.

Let's look at Pelosi's Democrat Honor Roll.

Charles Rangel - noted thief and Harlem poverty pimp who hid income from taxation, among other scandals

Alan Mollohan - WVa Democrat who skimmed $5.5 million or so in a nonprofit scheme

Jesse Jackson, Jr - Yeah, we know

Luis Gutierraez - Illinois Dem and alleged Real Estate scammer

Silvestre Reyes - A Texas Dem and reconquista ( he wants texas to go back to Mexico)

Chris Dodd - Deeeeeply involved in this financial catastrophe. One of the primary causes of it.

This list doesn't even mention Blago and the William Jefferson-$20k-in-the house scandals. I said earlier today that I thought Biden was the dumbest person in Washington. I have to stand by that, but if Biden were to go on ginko-biloba for a couple days, she'll be in trouble.

Biden: Could He Be More Clueless

Well now we see why it is the Obama camp has made it such a priority to keep Joe Biden under wraps. After threatening the country in October with a promise of a "crisis" in the first days of an Obama administration, you would think that someone would learn to keep their mouth shut. Unfortunately, not if that someone is Joe Biden.

In an interview with George Stephanopolous, Joe "I Ain't Hidin'" Biden, probably still smarting from his last big gaffe, tried to outdo himself today. According to Biden, the economy is in danger of "absolutely tanking" and is "much worse" than they had thought. This proves that going back to work after an aneurysm successfully does NOT mean that your brain is necessarily working properly.

Biden managed to mix the terrifying doomsday scenarios into a piece that was undoubtedly meant to be a puff piece on the 36-year Washington insider who is helping to bring "change" to America. Presumably after 36 years of intensive study he knows EXACTLY what needs to be changed. The Biden answer? More socialism. Of course.

Joe Biden, America's most incompetent public figure. We're in deep with this crowd, folks.

Blagojevich Vows to Fight; Leaks Emmanuel Info?

The other corrupt politicians in Chicago are nervous tonight. The investigation into their statewide scam promises to widen, as embattled Governor and entertainment dynamo Hot Rod Blagojevich vowed to keep fleecing the people of Illinois today, until they drag him out in handcuffs. Oh wait, they already did that. This promises to drag out the news on this even more, exposing us to the mucho corrupto nature of Chicago politics.

In his trademark flamboyantly street tonality, he jabbed his finger at the camera and promised to "Fight, fight, fight." Citing the same voters that Illinois Dems refuse to let vote on a Senator, Blago defiantly said he would "honor" the voters' decision to put him in office. He never mentioned where he came across the word "honor" in Chicago.

With reports now that Rahm Emmanuel had personal talks with Blago himself, the question on many minds is where are these tidbits about the conversations coming from? Since every new bit of information is drawing Rahmbo deeper into the morass, it's a safe bet that the leaks aren't coming from him. There was only one other party to the conversations and guess what? He might have a reason or two to put some pressure on the incoming president.

So far Obama is looking like Teflon, with even some "conservatives" singing his praises in the media. That sucks for Rahmbo, who if he doesn't play his cards right will soon be a drag on the ascending president-messiah-pop star. That can't be a comfortable place to be, and the longer Blago is out there the more Emmanuel is in the middle.

Our best card to play right now is stand back and watch as the arrogance and self-interest of the Chicago pols tears themselves up.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Warren: Hatemonger

The loony left is going bonkers over Obama's choice of Rick Warren to lead the invocation at his inauguration, and it's not just because his presence means one less ticket for an atheist minority homosexual union worker.

I've never given much thought to Rev. Warren's politics. I feel like he makes it a pretty big priority to come across as nonpartisan. Probably too big a priority in my opinion. He seems like a genuine enough person, though... and although I'm not nuts about him being there when the most pro-abortion president in history gets sworn in I'm not gonna blow a gasket over it.

The slobbering fruitcakes on the left, however, are positively apoplectic over Warren. I've been cruising some lefty blogs and to read them, you'd think Warren was in the far right wing. For what it's worth, that's over here by me and I haven't run into him yet.

Anyway, I didn't blow a gasket but our friends on the left sure did. One thing I had to notice was that these people just won an election a month ago and they are still PO'ed. Liberals see themselves as losers. No matter what they win they focus on the losses. It makes them relentless opponents, but it also makes them miserable people.

Maybe someone should tell the lefties that it's just all for show and that BHO will go right back to baby-killing and homosexual-supporting the second the party's over. Warren'll be lucky to stay on the Christmas card list after January 20th. Ahhh, let them stew... it's so fun watching them throw fits.

So read and be glad you don't know them!

"So many pro-choicers, gay activists, and progressive Christians worked their asses off to elect Obama, which makes Obama's decision to give Warren a platform at the inauguration a real f*ck-you." -- Feministing

"President-elect Obama chose eliminationist hate preacher Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama's Inaguration. With this choice, Obama sends three destructive messages. Number one: In Obama's America, equal rights and reproductive freedom aren't for everyone. Number two: President-elect Obama likes sharing the national stage with hate. Number three: While Obama enjoys his equality before the law, LGBT Americans can go to Hell. Literally. Gee. Is this change we can believe in?" -- Firedoglake

"I've been willing to swallow a lot of distaste for some of Obama's choices in the transition phase, but this is really going too far. The Inauguration Committee just announced that Rick Warren, charlatan pastor of Saddleback Church, who lied his face off about the so-called cone of silence during the presidential debate he hosted, is going to deliver the invocation.

...I've left aside that they shouldn't really even have a religious invocation at the inaugural because it's become a tradition now. But my friend Capt. Fogg left an excellent comment that I urge to read in full. The main point being, "Religious rituals have no place at all in government. It's the law. Belief in God or gods is not part of public policy: that's the law, and if no religious test may be imposed for office, which is the law, why then are we asking a president to demonstrate his private religiosity in public, as part of his inauguration?" -- The Impolitic

"Shrewd politics, but if anyone is under any illusion that Obama is interested in advancing gay equality, they should probably sober up now. He won't be as bad as the Clintons (who, among leading Democrats, could?), but pandering to Christianists at his inauguration is a depressing omen." -- Andrew Sullivan

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

NY Gov Patterson Accelerates into the Curve

Any reasoned examination of the handling of this economic downturn by our government would have to lead to some disturbing questions. One of the first that pops to mind is, "Are they doing this on purpose?" That was the thought I had today as I sat in traffic here in NYC and heard on the radio about Governor Patterson's let's-tax-everything-that-moves-and-see-what-happens plan.

Almost since the beginning of governments they have over-obligated themselves to their citizens. Generally speaking, leaders promise things that they can't deliver. Why do they do this? Because in times of crisis few want to be a leader. It's easier to buy time and prevent the riots today. Let the next generation pay for it. So it was in FDR's day and so it is today.

So today Governor Patterson did his part. He raised and created 88 separate taxes and fees on things ranging from music downloads to soda pop and he expects this will cover the anticipated budget shortfall next year. That's always been the play in New York City. Raise taxes to pay the bills.

What do you do when you can't tax the rich? Tax the regular people. Despite the fact the the Governor's "Kevorkian Plan" is clearly a disaster looking to happen, it appears that the taxes are going through with nary a word from anyone in NY.

Over the years many businesses have left New York for that reason. Doubtless many more will. But New York City always had a revenue ace up its sleeve. Wall Street. The problem is that Wall Street all moved to Washington.

I know this isn't some grand conspiracy to bankrupt our nation. But if there were, would our leaders act much differently than they do? Could they be any more clueless? I think it's going to be very interesting to see what happens over the next couple of years in New York.

Rahmbo: From the Pan into the Fire, Will He Roll on Obama?

As reported here last week, there is speculation about how deeply involved Obammunist Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is. We all know he has had conversations with Hot Rod Blagojevich's office, but it isn't the previously reported six. It's as many as TWENTY-ONE conversations with Blago's staff between the election and Handcuff Day. That comes out to a conversation almost every business day! There should be no doubt now that Rahmbo is deeply involved in this.

This has completely put the lie to Obama's statements that there was no contact between his camp and Blago's. We know that he and Blago are close and appearance indicate Rahmbo's active involvement in this scam from the beginning. What are the odds that Obama didn't know what his Chief of Staff was up to?

The alternative theory that this investigation was prematurely ended to protect Obama and his minions is gaining steam as well. It seems the proof will be in the pudding. Will Rahmbo be officially questioned by the prosecution? How will Obama's lies be reconciled? Right now Rahmbo looks like the fall guy, but that could change if any of the Chicago crew starts singing.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Illinois Dems: We're OK with Corruption!

Anything to avoid an election. That's how Illinois Republicans feel right now. The reports from the Illinois legislature are that embattled Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich will still be allowed to appoint a machine functionary to Obama's now vacant Senate Club seat.

As "refreshingly honest" (a quote from a commenter on my blog) as Blago's approach was, it was also patently illegal. To allow him at this point to appoint a Senate Club member wouldn't be fair to anyone, especially the new Senator from Illinois. How could any Senator appointed by Blago now be taken seriously?

The alternative, a special election for the seat, has been characterized as too expensive. We know that isn't really true. It's that the Dems might LOSE a special election. We can spend billions bailing out private companies but nothing to preserve the integrity of our electoral process. Par for the course.

The interesting twist is that Illinois Dems are now in a position where they can either stand with the citizens and have an election they may lose, or they can stand with corruption. They seem to have made their choice.

Video Here

Obama: Damage Control O-Bungle

With the Blagojevich scandal continuing to spin wildly in Chicago. Obama watchers are saying that if the handling of Blago-gate is any indication, we can expect more gaffes and ineptitude. It seems the inexperience of Obama is showing through. Will the media wall around him be breached? Will the truth about sweetheart deals and graft at the expense of the poorest of his constituents see the light of day?

Obama's initial gut reaction when asked about Blagojevich was to lie. When first asked about the matter, he categorically denied any involvement. He made it sound like he barely knew who Blago was, much less a close political ally. Other than the obvious implausibility of that position, we now know that Obammunist Lieutenant Rahmbo Emmanuel had no less than six conversations with Blago's COS after the election. It would be very surprising indeed if the president-elect had no idea with whom his Chief of Staff was meeting.

Now he has a much bigger problem. Either Rahmbo was waaay out of line or Obama lied to us. Get ready to hear about how Rahmbo went Rambo. It's beginning to look as if Obama's only move is going to be to pin the tall tale on Rahmbo.

With observers like Karl Rove noting the amateurish and unproductive handling of this, is there a chance that we'll see some investigative reporting worthy of the name? Right now the media is lamenting that the Blago mess has been a distraction to "the most successful transition in history."

We know nothing about Obama. What we do know is who he associates with. Academically he associates with Bill Ayers. Spiritually he consorts with the likes of Jeremiah Wright. Of all the businessmen in Chicago he got in bed with Tony Rezko. Is it any surprise that in politics he would choose to associate with Hot Rod Blagojevich. The change team is on the way. As soon as they check with their parole officers.

Blagojevich: A Threat to Obama?

As we get to know more about Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich, it's becoming more and more obvious just how breathtakingly bizarre Chicago politics are. If one look at Blago wasn't enough to tell you he's a thug, the tapes of his conversations that have been released so far have left no doubt in most people's minds. What is being revealed is an arrogant, self-interested, and, yes, entertaining profile of a Chicago machine politician.

Despite all of the negatives, we have to remember the trouble that Blago is causing for the nascent Obama administration. Maybe that's the reason I'm finding it hard not to like the guy. His incredibly flagrant behavior wasn't just great entertainment, it's also shining the light on Obama's Chicago politics.

Right now the Illinois legislature is working overtime to put a lid on this and get Blago out of the limelight. Democrats are coming after him hard, as they are seeing the window for a special election begin to open. Democrats don't like that idea much. With all the slime that has been oozing out of the national cesspool we call Chicago politics, an election could result in a Republican win.

Blago: He's causing big trouble for Obama right now. You gotta give him some love for that.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Arab World Revels in Insult to Our President

The hubbub over the assault on our president this weekend has been interesting to observe. Many in the Arab world are reporting this story with something akin to poorly repressed glee. Our president was able to move quickly enough to avoid the shoe, and he even displayed his sense of humor about the incident, pointing out that the man wore a size 10.

I'd really like to know what Muntader al-Zaidi is really so mad about. After all, a byproduct of our act of self-defense in Iraq has been our sponsoring of the development of democratic institutions. It hasn't been a trouble-free experience, but you would think that our president's commitment to a (better than) fair deal for the Iraqi people would be self evident, even to a Baathist loyalist like Mr. Zaidi. Maybe Iraqi citizens do have some worry of violence by other citizens upon their person, but the odds of having their government come in their house and kill their family should be pretty much zero now. That seems like a fair trade to me, but other Arab journalists are beside themselves with the latest insult that our president has had to endure.

Arabs see shoe-hitting and throwing as a grave insult, symbolizing that you are someone to be walked on. Lower than dirt. He also called our president a dog. That's another big deal to Arabs. They see dogs as unclean. You won't find many Arabs donating their time or money at the Humane Society.

There were demonstrations of support for Zaidi in Mosul, Samarra, and Najaf. In Sadr City they burned American Flags and threw their shoes at cops. We meant to export democracy. Judging by the crazed behavior we have ended up with Democrats.

Emmanuel in the Middle: Blago's Ace in the Hole?

As reported here this weekend, the last 72 hours have been difficult for Mr. Emmannuel, with reports now coming that factions within the Obama camp are increasingly agitating for his resignation.

Rahm Emmanuel: "Barack and I only lied this much."

After reportedly being taped having detailed discussions with Blago's recently departed chief of staff, Emmanuel, along with Governor Hot Rod Blagojevich, has helped illustrate, to those of us who didn't know, what machine politics are all about. These conversations included specific guidance, ostensibly from Obama himself, as to what candidates he would like to have considered. Emmanuel named specific candidates, one of whom is reportedly Lisa Madigan, current Attorney General of Illinois.

The Obama camp's internal reaction has been swift, with Emmanuel being grilled on exactly what was said and certainly being asked to account for any and all documents related to this. Emmanuel has stopped showing up at either the office or press briefings.

One internal faction sees any focus on Emmanuel right now to be bad for Obama. if this investigation continues, some say, how will he be able to focus on promoting Obama's agenda. Others see him as a political rock star with his own agenda.

One thing is for certain. Emmanuel's style requires that he be coming from a position of power. That has been taken away from him now. It will be interesting to see how the rats scurry.