Monday, February 2, 2009

Confirmed: Obama Was Talking with Syria and Iran Before Election

I thought we only had one president at a time? That's what President Obama was saying when he was asked to take a stand on the Gaza action by Israel last month. According to reports, Obama and his team have been having talks with Iran and Syria for months, and the talks were begun EVEN BEFORE THE ELECTION. From AFP:
US President Barack Obama has already used experts within the last few months to hold high-level but discreet talks with both Iran and Syria, organizers of the meetings told AFP.

But that's not all:
...even before winning the November 4 election, Obama unofficially used what experts call "track two" discussions to approach America's two foes in the region.
Nuclear non-proliferation experts had several "very, very high-level" contacts in the last few months with Iranian leaders, said Jeffrey Boutwell, executive director for the US branch of the Pugwash group, an international organization of scientists which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995.
Former defense secretary William Perry, who served in Obama's election campaign, participated in some of these meetings focused on "a wide range of issues that separate Iran from the West: not only their nuclear program but the Middle East peace process, Persian Gulf issues," Boutwell told AFP.
The Pugwash official declined to name the other participants, except to say they had considerable clout.
"We had very, very senior figures from both the Iranian policy establishment and from the US; people who have very close, good access to the top leaders in both countries," Boutwell said.
"The Cable," the blog of the specialist magazine Foreign Policy, said Iran's permanent representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (AIEA), Ali Asghar Soltanieh, was "among the Iranian officials who attended the Pugwash dialogues."

For anyone else that would be considered highly inappropriate, and possibly treasonous. For Barack Hussein Obama and his lapdog media, it's just another sign that he's The One.
eanwhile, a group of experts under the auspices of the think tank, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), announced Thursday that they met for more than two hours in Damascus with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The experts included Ellen Laipson, a former White House adviser under president Bill Clinton and a member of the Obama transition team.
Assad struck positive notes, the participants in the meeting said during a press conference at the Washington headquarters of USIP, a bipartisan think tank financed by Congress.
"His phrasing was 70 percent of our interests are potentially shared and 30 percent are not. And he said: let's work on the 70 percent," said Bruce Jentleson, who was the disarmament advisor to former vice president Al Gore.
The Syrian president himself revealed on Monday that "dialogue started some weeks ago in a serious manner through personalities who are close to the administration and who were dispatched by the administration."

So let me get this straight - Before the election Obama had people undermining US policy and playing politics with the thugs in Iran and Syria? And these talks continued in secret while the Bush administration tried to deal with an Iran sponsored conflagration in Israel? And even though he's been in contact with Iran, he doesn't know any better than to get humiliated by them like he has been the past week? I think if our media existed anymore Obama would be in a lot of trouble.
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