Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Defending Michelle Bachmann or Huffpo: Purveyor of Lies

The Huffington Post's Rachel Weiner does a typical left-wing hatchet job on Michelle Bachmannn in her latest article. I get really aggravated at the mis-reported and undocumented lies that are typically used in hatchet pieces like this one, so I figured I'd dissect this one a little and demonstrate exactly how the left does their dirty business.

Michelle Bachmann: "We're Running Out of Rich People in this Country"

In an interview with a conservative talk show host, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has once again embarrassed herself. Posted by the blog Dump Bachmann and picked up by the MN Progressive Project, the clip has the Minnesota Republican telling KLTK's Chris Baker that she opposes she stimulus because we're "running out of rich people in this country."

Steve Benen organizes some more of the stupidity:

* ACORN is "under federal indictment for voter fraud," but the stimulus bill nevertheless gives ACORN "$5 billion." (In reality, ACORN is not under federal indictment and isn't mentioned in the stimulus bill at all.)

OK. One point made, one lie found. Maybe David Vitter and John Boehner are just making it up? Or maybe the federal government has some other favorite organization to fund with the $4.1 Billion allocated for "neighborhood stabilization activities."
* many members of Congress have "a real aversion to capitalism."

I've noticed. The Democrat party seems to be almost singularly focused on destroying and corrupting the free markets. Look at Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and the many people who made MILLIONS running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the ground. Bachmann 2, Liberal Pukewad 0.
* the stimulus bill includes a measure to create a "rationing board" for health care, and after the bill becomes law, "your doctor will no longer be able to make your healthcare decisions with you."

Don't liberals read the paper? Have the people saying that this isn't in there read the bill yet? People who have read the bill are reporting that it's in there. People like the Washington Times.
* the recovery package is part of a Democratic conspiracy to "direct" funding away from Republican districts, so Democratic districts can "suck up" all federal funds. Bachmann doesn't think this will work because, as she put it, "We're running out of rich people in this country."

While we're probably not running out of rich people anytime soon, the author gave no reason or rationale as to why this assertion by Congresswoman Bachmann should not be believed. Used to be that some research might be used to make a point or disprove a statement like Ms. Bachmann's. I guess it's good enough to just show that it came from a Republican. That is an acceptable substitute for research. Bachmann 4, Liberal puke 0.
Last one... and it looks promising for the liberal author:
* the "Community-Organizer-in-Chief" is also orchestrating a conspiracy involving the Census Bureau, which the president will use to redraw congressional lines to keep Democrats in power for up to "40 years." When the host said he was confused, noting that congressional district lines are drawn at the state level, Bachmann said Obama's non-existent plan is an "anti-constitutional move."

I'll take this one without any references. The constitution enumerates the responsibility to carry out a constitutionally mandated census. This is actually intended to be used for both taxation AND representation, so that there wouldn't be any funny business.. or at least it would even out. It's no longer used for taxation, but it's a huge part of how legislative delegation sizes are determined. So counting doorknobs and chairs and illegal immigrants in New York or California will give the socialist Democrats more representation than a fair count in Utah. I'll give lib a half point for the fact that the constitutionality of it is still up for debate.

The scorecards have been tallied. Bachmann 4 1/2, Liberal Pukes 1/2. Good job Congresswoman.
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