Friday, February 13, 2009

Hell in a Handbasket - UN Climate Chief Praises New US Policies

In the surest sign yet that the Obama administration is working against our national interests, Yvo de Boer, the United Nations' chief global warming moonbat, had nothing but praise for the Obama administration's policies. He mainly praised the fact that Obama has committed the United States to move forward with job-killing and economy-damaging measures while the Chinese continue to ignore the suggestions of our benevolent overlords at the United Nations. George Bush, inorder to protect the American economy, did not. He was soooo uncool, huh?

It's super important for these bozos to get the control they so lustily desire before the lid blows up on the pretend problem and made-up crisis of global warming. It would be such a drag for them to have to find some new tool to use to cotrol us all.

"It's been a night-to-day change in terms of the U.S. position on this topic," United Nations climate chief Yvo de Boer said in Tokyo, adding that he hopes that the more active American approach will encourage China and other developing nations to make further efforts to control their emissions.

"Now we see the United States coming back to the international negotiations," he said. "I believe that a Sino-American way forward on trade, on technology, and on climate change could be a major contribution and impulse to the broader negotiating process."

Under former President George W. Bush, the United States refused to sign the last climate treaty, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, citing a lack of participation by developing countries, particularly China, and harm to the U.S. economy.

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