Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Prime-Time Speech: More Political Terrorism and Threats

Making his case to the American people tonight on prime-time television, Barack Hussein Obama continued his Presidency of political terror, unleashing more threats, basically saying that if we don't do it his way (socialism), we will face dire consequences. Am I the only person who feels like the president is holding us all hostage?

Our otherwise clueless new Chief Executive seems to have one area where he excels - threatening the American people with a floundering economy and massive job losses if we don't meet his demands for more centralized control and massive federal spending on things like make-work building projects and pumping more cash into failing schools and insolvent programs like Medicare. What he's doing is far too important for people like you and I to question, you see.

Every time he talks I am reminded of negotiations with armed men on tarmacs in places like Europe and the Middle East, where a masked man says if his demands aren't met, people will start to die. The biggest difference I can see is that Obama doesn't wear a mask.

After gaining control of the cockpit, Obama has one message for us. Pass this bill - or more of you will suffer.

Delivered by President Barack Hussein Obama, political terrorist.
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